Top 10 Study Tips

by Gary D
  • Good lighting can increase your productivity. An overhead light might not be enough – consider a desk or floor lamp with direct light.
  • Avoid any distraction. Tum off your phone and the television, and check your social media updates only during the break time.
  • Get enough sleep, especially the night before your exam. Have regular short breaks every 50-90 minutes to help you focus better.
  • Use mind maps to visualize your topics better, improve your memory and prioritize information.
  • During high-intensity study periods it is recommended to take breaks to exercise. It will make you feel more energized and refreshed.
  • Start studying early and plan your study time in advance. Use a calendar and write down what you’re planning to do each day.
  • Use a color code to break down your topics. Use markers and post-it notes to group relevant information together. It will help you memorize everything faster.
  • Eat healthy food that fuels your brain. Food like apples, walnuts, and blueberries can improve your ability to focus, retain information and remain mentally alert.
  • Some people find that listening to music whilst studying helps them being more productive. If that’s your case, keep the volume low and play songs that you don’t find yourself singing along to!
  • Treat yourself! After taking an exam, meet a friend for coffee, go to the cinema or just take a welldeserved break before starting to study for your next assignment.

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