Previous Year Very Short Questions of GSED (DIPLOMA civil enginerring 4th)

Generic skills and entrepreneurship development

Previous year question paper with solutions for Generic skills and entrepreneurship development

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Generic skills and entrepreneurship development . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our GSED question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

These Questions are downloaded from You can also download previous years question papers of 10th and 12th (PSEB & CBSE), B-Tech, Diploma, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, M-Tech, PGDCA, B-Com, BSc-IT, MSC-IT.

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  1. GSD stands for_____________
  2. LLL stands for_____________
  3. Generic skills are also known as____________skills.
  4. The self concept is how we___________about and evaluate ourselves
  5. Self esteem is how you_____________about yourself.
  6. Primary sources of information are_____________materials.
  7. __________is the ability of person to understand other person from his point of view.
  8. ___________is concerned with forecasting markets in total.
  9. The __________phase is typically the longest phase of the project in terms of duration.
  10. PDCA stands for_________.
  11. Small scale industries are____________in their operation.
  12. SSM stands for________.
  13. PPR stands for___________.
  14. Project report is a ____________towards the growth of a new business
  15. NABARD stands for____________.