Structural mechanics
Previous year question paper with solutions for Structural mechanics
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- Effect of tensile force is to _________ the length of the body.
- E=9_____/(3K+C ).
- One Pascal (Pa)= ________.
- The inclined lines on shear force diagram indicate ________.
- A simply supported beam of length ‘L’ carrying a concentrated load ‘W’ at centre of span will have maximum bending moment equal to ________.
- Moment of inertia of any section is ________ about an axis passing through C.G.
- In case of a cantilever beam, tensile stress is induced _________ the neutral axis.
- For no tension in the section, the eccentricity must not exceed ________.
- Retaining wall is constructed to retain ________ on upstream side
- When loading on frame is symmetrical, then reactions are _________.
- The strain has .......... units.
- The effect of tensile force is to ............... the length of the body.
- Mild steel is ............... material.
- A beam whose ......... are fixed is called fixed beam
- A horizontal structural member which carries transverse load is called ............
- The M.O.I. about Z axis is also called…………….
- Bulk modulus (K) = ................ / ...................
- The inclined line on bending moment diagram indicates ...........
- Slope and deflection are both maximum in cantilever beam at ………. end
- The positive B.M. is called ............... moment.
- Euler`s formula is applicable for…………… .
- The limit of deflection in a simply supported beam is ………….
- A frame in which n=2j-3 is known as ……………….
- The shear stress at N.A. is …………….
- In case of eccentric loading the total stress ………………