Previous Year Very Short Questions of SUR-2 (DIPLOMA civil enginerring 4th)


Previous year question paper with solutions for Surveying-2

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Surveying-2 . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our SUR-2 question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

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  1. Contour interval is …………… proportional to scale.
  2. Square method of contouring is suitable for ………………
  3. The size of theodolite is determined by ……………..
  4. Contours of vertical cliff …………… meets at a point.
  5. There ……………. be index error in horizontal circle of theodolite.
  6. The disadvantage of anallatic lens is reduction of ………….. of image.
  7. A set of curve having centre on same side is known as …………….
  8. The stadia markings are made on ………………
  9. A vertical curve having ……………. Upward is known as a summit curve.
  10. A simple curve is ………… by degree of curve.
  11. Contour lines cross each other in the case of………….
  12. The vertical distance b/w consecutive contours is known as…………
  13. Balancing of traverse is done by…………rule.
  14. In a closed traverse algebraic sum of latitude and departure is equal to……….
  15. Most accurate method of measuring the horizontal angle is………
  16. Super-elevation means that outer edge is…………then that of inner edge.
  17. A tangent clinometer is used with………..
  18. A simple circular curve is designed by………..
  19. …………rules are applied to reduce the size of triangle of curve
  20. Closely equispaced parallel contour lines represent……….area.
  21. When contour lines are uniformly spaced it indicates……….
  22. Contour lines cross each other in the case of ……….
  23. Contour lines cross ridge lines at ……………. angle
  24. Face right and face left observations is eliminate the……………………..
  25. The line of collimation should be perpendicular to the ……………………………………
  26. Plotting of traverse by co-ordinates is….…….than by plotting by direction length
  27. Usually value of multiplying constant is…………..
  28. Tachometric survey is more accurate and quick in………………
  29. The magnitude of super-elevation depends upon ………………..
  30. The centrifugal force acts…………….. The centre of the curve.