Quantity surveying and valuation
Previous year question paper with solutions for Quantity surveying and valuation May-2018
Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Quantity surveying and valuation May-2018. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our QSV question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.
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Question paper 1
Q1. a) Fill in the blanks.
i. The value of a property building after its working tenure without being dismantled is known as …………
Read moreii. While analyzing the rates, contractor profit is added at the rate of………………%.
Read moreiii. The attendance of the laborers is recorded daily in…………………..
Read morev. In the analysis of rate the number of bricks taken into account per cubic meter is……………...
b) State the unit of measurement for the following:-
vi. Electric Fitting xi. D.P.C
vii. Cement Plaster
xii. Steel doors and Windows
viii. Supply of Bitumen/tar
xiii. Supply of water closet(size specified)
ix. Supply of varnish, oil
xiv. Rain Water pipe
x. Supply of bricks
xv. Distempering
Q2. Attempt any six questions.
a. What are the various duties of quantity surveyor?
Read moreb. What do you understand by estimate? Give the importance of estimate.
Read morec. What are the factors affecting the Analysis of rates
Read mored. Find out the dry material required for 1cu.m cement concrete 1:4:8
Read moree. Find out the dry material for 1cu.m brick masonry in cement sand mortar 1:4.
Read moref. Define valuation. Give the purpose of valuation
Read moreg. Calculate the value of year’s purchase whose life is 20 years and the rate of interest is 6%.For sinking fund rate of interest is 5%
Read moreh. Write a short note on scrap value, book value and outgoings.
Read morei. Define Contract? What are the essential elements of contracts?
Read moreSECTION-C
Attempt any three questions.
Q3. A RCC simply supported beam with following data
Clear Span=3.5m
Bearing on Wall=200mm
Thickness of wall=300mm
Size of the beam=300mmX500mm
Main Reinforcement=5-20mm ɸ HYSD bars
(Three Bars up at l/7 from the inner face of support)
Stirrups=8mm ɸ 2 legged @ 200mm c/c.
Anchor Bars=2-12 ɸ mm
Calculate the total quantity of mild steel reinforcement also prepare the bar bending schedule
Q5. Workout the analyses of rates for brick masonry cement mortars 1:4 in superstructure. Labour for 10cu.m brick masonry 8 brick layer @ Rs. 500/- per day, 15 mazdor @ Rs. 300/- , 2 Bhisti @ Rs. 250/- per day. Rate of material: - cement bag Rs. 300/-, Sand Rs. 800/- per cu.m, Bricks 4000/- per thousand.
Q6. Explain general specifications of first class building.
Q5. A short link road is to be constructed entirely in cutting at a uniform rising gradient 1 in 30.The N.S levels are given below:
Rd N.S.(level) 0 70.40 30 69.70 60 71.10 90 74.05 120 75.40 150 74.00 If the formation level at Rd 0 is 65 meters, estimate the quantity of cutting for a formation width of 10 meters. The side slope is 2:1(Horizontal: vertical) and there is no cross slope. Also find out the cost of cutting @ Rs.450.00 cu m.