Previous Year Very Short Questions of GSED (DIPLOMA electronics and communication engineering 4th)

Generic skills and entrepreneurship development

Previous year question paper with solutions for Generic skills and entrepreneurship development

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Generic skills and entrepreneurship development . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our GSED question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

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  1. Generic Skills are also known as________ skills.
  2. SIDBI stands for ________.
  3. _______ is the set of tools , techniques and procedures which when used result in better results of project.
  4. _______ management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life.
  5. Our ________ is the sum total of our character, emotions, intellect, behaviour, capabilities, qualities.
  6. __________ institute deals with supply of machinery and raw material.
  7. Provisional registration must be got converted into _______ once the unit comes into existence.
  8. LLL stands for _______
  9. Self assessment is the way in which one perceives oneself. (T/F)
  10. Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person. (T/F)
  11. DIC deals with registration of industries at primary level.(T/F)
  12. The economy of our country is not related to entrepreneurship in any way.(T/F)
  13. Entrepreneurial culture among individuals can be induced with the help of motivational measures.(T/F)
  14. Project Report is a document which tells the financial, economic, technical aspects of the project.(T/F)
  15. Sales forecasting is an attempt to determine the volume of sales which can reasonably be expected at some future data on scientific basis.(T/F)
  16. Generic skills is also known as__________.
  17. LLL stands for_________.
  18. Personality makes a person __________.
  19. The way by which you can increase your knowledge base is called___________.
  20. Way of transforming information is known as __________.
  21. The process of managing the task is called_____________.
  22. Skill which understands feelings, thoughts of others is known as____________.
  23. Task execution means______________ the task and evaluating them continuously.
  24. Problem solving process is completed into__________ steps.
  25. According to Richard Bach problem is an__________ for improvement.
  26. NSIC stands for _________
  27. NABARD stands for______
  28. Entrepreneurship increases the___________.
  29. An attractive and excellent project idea which an entrepreneur can convert into profits is known as ______.
  30. PPR stands for_________.