Solved question paper for English Mar-2017 (PSEB 12th)


Previous year question paper with solutions for English Mar-2017

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Question paper 1

  1. Answerthe following questions :

    (i) How did Philip come to be known in 'The March King' 


    Philip come to know in the Basketball 

  2. (ii) What were the owls discussing with each other in 'On Giving Advice' ?


    Some writters distinguish themselves by conveying their instruction in the best chosen words, some by  writting sweet poetic words, some in the point of wit and other in short proverb 


  3. (iii) Who was Anne Mansfield Sullivan in Story of My Life?


    He was Helen Kellie's teacher

  4. (iv) Who was Prohor in A Chameleon ?


    He was the general's Cook

  5. (v) Who was the owner of 'The Modern Frame Works' in the chapter "The Gold Frame" ?


    Datta was its owner.

  6. (vi) What were the designations of Karam Singh and Mann Singh in the arnry ?


    Mann Singh was a Naik and Karam Singh was a Havildar in the army.

  7. (vii) Fill in the blank with suitable Deteiminer:

    She did not send me ....... reply.


    She did not send me any replay 

  8. (viii) Choose the eorrect passive voice of the following sentence from the answers given below

    Does he know you ?

    (a) Are you known by him ?

    (b) Are you known with him?

    (c) 'Are you known to him ?

    (d) Are you known at him ?


    Are you known to him.

  9. Read the passage given below andanswerttre questions that follow :

    But we are bound to endorse the verdict against the lift-man. Most people will have a certain sympathy with him.While it is true that there is no law that compels us to say "Please"  their is a social practice much older and more sacred than any law which enjoins us to be civil and the ' first requirement of civility is that we should acknowledge a service. "Please" and "Thank you" are the small change with which we pave our way as social beings. They are the little courtesies by which keep the machine of life oiled.and running sweerly. They pur our intercourse upon thc hasis of fiicndly co-operation, as easy give and take instead of on the basis of superiors dicatating to inferiors 

    (i) What is the first requirment of 'civility'


    The writer says that one woman married to a husband with a cheerful tember may be ill-treated once but there are hundreds of woman who suffer because of bad treatment husband

  10. (ii) How do 'little countesies' help us?


    We must blame the lift man for use of vailence against the passenger.

  11. (iii) Dose any law compel us to say 'Please'?


    The suffering or death of a martyr unhappy or bad templered and not talking vary much , judgement

  12. Read the lines given below and answer the qd€ltions that follow : He is your field which you saw with Iove and;ieap with thanks giving.

    And hc is your board 

    For come to him with your hunger

    When your friend speaks mind you fear not be "nay" in your mind nor do you withhold the "ay"

    (a) . Name the poem and its poet


    The name of the poem is 'On-Friendship' and its poet is Kahlil Gibran.

  13. (b) what is the most important thing that one can give to a friend ?


    Love is the most important thing which we can give to a friend.

  14. (c) When do we shower our friends with love what do we earn in return from them ?


    When we shower our friend with love, he also reciprocales.

  15. (d) How is a friend our fireside ?


    By showing sympathy, our friend acts as our firside

  16. PART - C 

    Make a precis of the following passage and give it a suitable heading. Suceess in life depends largely on good hehlth. Keep your body fit and fine. Avoid anything that .saps your strength. Smoking in youth spDils health and damages brain. Be temperate in all things and of drink. It is an enemy of health and efficiency. Above all, remember that your character is a priceless possession. Therefore, keep it untarnished. Be truthful in all things. B:e courteous and considerate to eveiibody, fairto your rivals, kind and helpful to all who me weak and suffering. You must stand for what is good. pure and noble.


    Long Year of hard labour enable one to win fame and glory in one's field. Outstanding sucess of impress us student became schoolars thought hard labour and industry. A successful reforme or leader has to overcome serval obstacles and frustration.

    Heading : No pain, No Gain. 

  17. 5. lmagine you are Suresh and you are living in Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against reckless driving.


    833 Ummatran Mohalla


    July 6, 20


    The Editor 

    The Tribune 



           I shall feel grateful if you allow me some space in your esteemed paper, I want to draw the attention of the authorities concerned toward reckless driving in the Newanshsher.

            This city has wide roads and chance of accidents are compartively few here But probably, this very fact encourage reckless driving It has become a fashion. Motor drive at a traffic speed. Trucks carring and, stones or bricks are seen moving at a very fast speed cars pass by you whizzing even at turning. Young college boys drive motor cycle and scooters without caring for their own or anybody else life. It is a positive danger to school-going children, to old men and women who cnnot cross the road quickly.

               Speed limit strictly not enforced Many a time the defaulter bribe the policemen on duty and get off.

              The dire need is that a speed limit should be fixed and offered 

    yours faithfilly


  18. or

    Imagine you are Karan and your address is 315, Shastri Nug, Jalandhar. Write an application to ' the Manager, Canara Bank, Karnal, for the post of a Clerk


    22 Putli Ghar


    April 22, 2018


               The Manager

               Bird and company,



               This is an response to your advertisement in 'The Tribune' dated 24 March 20__. For the post of a clerk in your office. I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. As regard mu qualification, they are detailed below.

              I passed my B.A. I examination in 20__ as a regular student of D.A.V college, Jalandhar in the second division. Then I joined a commercial college where I learnt both typewrite and shorthland. I can type in English, Hindi, Punjabi. My speed in sorthand is so w.p.m I have been working as a clerk for the last two year 

    Your Faithfully 


  19. 6. Explain the newspaper headlines 'Drug Abuse Discussed' in 15-20 words.


  20. or

    Write an E-mail tg a friend extending an invitation for a party.


  21. Part-D (Grammar)

    7. Do as directed :

    (a) Fill in thc blanks with suitable Determiners :

    (i) I shall return this book in ........ days

    (ii) She is proud of ........ beauty.


    (i) few

    (ii) her

  22. (b)  (i)There is no one .......(challenge) this claim. (Fill up the blank with a Infinitive)

    (ii) The man seems ....... (worry). (Fill up the blank with a participre)


    (i) Challenged

    (ii) Worried

  23. (c) (i) I know her to be intelligent. (Transform into a complex-sentence)

    (ii) It is a matter of sorrow ttrat I am undone. (Change into an Exclamatory Sentence)


    (i) I knew that she was intelligent  

    (ii) What a fool he is 

  24. (d) (i) I was given your message by him. (Change the Voice)

    (ii) He said to me, "what doing?" (change the Narration)


    (i) Physics shall be hated like poison

    (ii) He to told me that what are you done me.

  25. Part E (Literature)

    8. write clown the central iclea of any one of the poems given below : 

    (i) Prayer of the Woods

    (ii) The Echoing Green


    This poem is based on the idea thaat tree serve man in various ways The wood from tree is used in winter for warmth trees provide shade in summer and juicy fruit to travellers to satisfy thirsty, Building, Boast and furniture use wood. Wood is used by man from cradle to grave. Tree also teach us the value of kindness and beauty. Travel appeal very humble to men not harm them.

  26. Answer any three questions in 40_50 Woids each :

    (i) How did Mrs. Esputa help philip in the chapter "The March King" ?


    Philip told his music teacher, profesor Esputa that he did not have a clean white shirt for the concert. Mrs Esputa told hiim to his wife and ask for a shirt. Mrs Esputa quickly brought one of her husband's white shirt. Philip found shirt vary large for him. She found a box of pins in a few minutes, her smart finger [pinned enought tucks in the shirt to make it fit philip. Both of them felt relieved then the job was finished . philipran back to the school.

  27. (ii) Describe the two kinds of inteiligence on the earth.(Robots and People)


    There are two kind of intelligence on the earth. There is the computer/robot intellgent and human intelligence. Each one week in the different way and each will co-operate with the other. Together two intelligence will be able to do much more than either could be alone. Human intelligence is creative. The human brain has imagination.It can may intelligence guesses 

  28. (iii) Describe the narrator's encounter with the bus conductor. (On Saying Please)


    One day writter boarded a bus He found that he had no money in his pocket. He told the counductor that he ahd no money. He wanted to go back for the money to his surprise the counductor told him that he did not needed to go back for money. He gave the writer a ticket without demanding the fare. The conductor behaviour left a very good impression on the writer. 

  29. 10. Answer any twoquestions in 40_50 words each :

    (i) Otchumyelov took off or put on his coat with every new statement. What does this show ? (A Chameleon)


  30. (ii) How tiia the author describe the shop owned by Datta ? (The Gold Frame)


    The name of Datta shop was "The Modren Frame Works". But there was no modernity about the structure of the shop It was actually a very large wooden box fixed on shaky legs. It was trucked in a gap between a medical store and a ratio repair shop Datta's shop was a zone of silence. He did not allow casual friend to disturb him.

            He was always seen sitting surrounded by glass sheets, boxes of nails, glue bootles, paint tines and other adds and ends surrounding requires from frame work Sometimes a glass cutter or a pensil's sub was lost He had to stand up and shake his dhoti to get the lost object. This operation shook the whole shop. The shop was actually a centre of Datta's activities.

  31. (iii) Discuss the appropriateness of the tittle of the story: (The Bull beneath the Earth)


    The title of story must be apporpriate. It must capture its theme and throw light on events. The title refers to the old man in the story. He is burnded by his personal sorrow. His oldest son karam Singh has recently died. He has to take care of his daughter in law and his grandson.

                          Mann Singhh comes to Karam Singh's house in order to get the news of the family's welfare But Mann singh gets a  very cold treatement from KAram Singh Father. He is hundred by his own sorrow and that of other.

                          Mann Singh rightly compare him with the mythical bull who carries the burden of the whole earth.

  32. 11. Draw a brief character-sketch of Hassan in 100-120words. (Hassan,s Attendance problem)


  33. or

    Write the theme of the chapter. 'The Story of My Life , in 100-120 words.


    The story is based on the theme that selfless action bring a new nobility into human life. It gives a promise of a greatest hope for human society the author finds the two boys involved in an examplary action of self sacrifice for their sister. The message is clear care of one's sister strength the family ties care for the sick and suffering would make the world a better place to live in world a better place to live in what we see in the world is the selfishness is the order of the day The two young boys have set a glorious example of noble conduct for other to follow such a sacrifice develops value which are good for the health of society.

  34. 12. write the theme of the resson 'The schoor for sympathy, in 100-120 words.


    Traditional or convential education given in school is not ideal It gives information of facts. It enable a person to earn his living  In addition to the normal subjects the students of miss Beam's ideal school were also given lesson on humanity and citizenship.

               Here student got a real understanding of Misfortune. During training every child had one blind day, one deaf day and one dumb day. During the bliend day ther eyes were bandagect. This was also put during the night. Bybeing blind for a day the child realised what a misfortune it was to be blind. In the same way children learnt the difficulties of the deaf and the dumb people

  35. or

    Give a brief character-sketch of Chandu in 100- 120 words. (The Barber,s Trade Union)


    Chandu is the barbar buy of the narrator;s village. He is the main character of the story. He is a close friend of the narrator. The narror calls him one of the markers of modern India. He organises barbar into a union. He stops going to people's homes to give them a haircut to shave beards. He refuse to dance to the rune of upper caste people.

          Chandu is the narrator senior. He takes lead in all mater He is very fond of his boyish mischeif. He lifes catching wasps. Then he takes out the poison from their trails. He makes them fly by riying their dogs with a thread.

          The narrator consider him the embodiment of perfection. He is an expert at making kites of various design. Despite his skill in other matter, he is a duffer in learning 

          The stoped going to people's homes for haircutting and shavig. They forced the people to come to their shops. we admire chandu for his skill of enterprises. 

Question paper 2

  1. Part-A (Objective type questions)

    1. Answer the following questions:  
    (i)  According to Hassan, who were "nerds"? 


  2. Read more
  3. (ii)  What are two kinds of intelligence does the author refer to in the chapter 'Robots and People'?


  4. Read more
  5. (iii)  What did the narrator's brother suffer from in the chapter 'In Celebration of Being Alive?


  6. Read more
  7. (iv)  What does the girl with bandaged eyes in the chapter The School for Sympathy'say about  the gardener ? 


  8. Read more
  9. (v)  How many siblings did Bholi have?


  10. Read more
  11. (vi)  What was the age difference between Chandu and the narrator in the chapter 'The Barber's Trade Union'?


  12. (vii) Fill in the blank with suitable Determiner : 
           He lost ....... friends he had.


  13. Read more
  14. Part-B (Reading)

    2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: Children going to schools in the future will be educated in ways of using and understanding computers and robots. They will grow up and be able to take the new jobs, and no one will ever consider the old jobs or want them. Everyone will be glad to leave dull jobs and the dangerous jobs to robots. Still, there will be a 'transition period', a time between the present, when so many people are still in the old jobs, and the future, when everyone will be in the new jobs. The American people and perhaps, the whole world, will have to be patient and intelligent so that we can get through the transition period with as little trouble and unhappiness as possible. There is another problem that may confront us. 
      (i) Write the name of the chapter and of its author. 


  15. (ii) What is a transition period ?


  16. (iii) How can we deal with the transition period ? 


  17. (iv) How will children be educated in the future? 


  18. (v) Give the meanings of any two of the following in simple English:  
          confront; trouble ; glad. 


  19. 3. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow :  
    His eyes dimmed by age  
    fade homeward through the humid monsoon night  
    Now I can see him getting off the train  
    Like a word dropped from a long sentence.  
    He hurries across the length of the grey platform,  
    Crosses the railway line, enters the lane.  
      (a) Name the poem and its poet.  


  20. (b) Which line in the poem describes father's irrelevance to the train ? 


  21. (c) Write two reasons for father's eyes being dimmed. 


  22. (d) Where does father go after getting off the train ?



  23. I am the handle of your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle, and the shell of your coffin.

    I am bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. 'Ye who pass by, listen to my prayer: Harm me not. 

    (a) Write down the line in the poem that explains the statement :              

    The wood accompanies us from birth to death. 


  24. (b) I am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty. This means the woods give us :  
          (i) business and love 
          (ii) food and decoration  
          (iii) kind feelings and loveliness


  25. (c) Who is the speaker in the poem ? 


  26. (d) What is the prayer of the woods to the human beings ?


  27. Part-C (Writing)

    4. Make a precis of the following passage and give it a suitable heading.  
    The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day's work. The early riser has done a large amount of hardwork before other men have got out of bed.  
    In the early morning the mind is free and work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air 


  28. the exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early,  
    he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do and is not tempted to hurry over any part. All his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest.  

     He gets to sleep several hours and rises early next morning in good health and spirit for the labours of a new day.  


  29. 5. Suppose you are Bobby. You reside at 46-Model Town, Moga. Write a letter to the Superintendent of police complaining against eve-teasing in the town.


  30. Or 
    Suppose you are Vikas. You live at 786, J.P. Nagar, Jalandhar. Write an application to the Chairman, Punjab School Education Board, Mohali for the post of an accountant. 


  31. 6. Explain the newspaper headline 'PM pledges to bring back black money'in 15-20 words.


  32. Read more
  33. Write an E-mail to a supplier about the wrong supply of electronic goods. 


  34. Read more
  35. Part-D (Grammar)  

    7. Do as directed :  
    (a) Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners:          

    (i) There are shady trees on ........ side of the road.


  36. Read more
  37.  (ii) Kanta is ..... taller of them both. 


  38. Read more
  39. (b) (i) ...... err is human (Fill up the blank with a Infinitive).

    (ii) Success is not merely ........... (win) applause. (Fill up the blank with a Gerund)


  40. (c) (i) She could not prove her innocence. (Transform into a Complex-Sentence). 


  41. Read more
  42. (ii) How lovely are the flowers ! (Change into an Assertive Sentence)


  43. (d) (i) Why do you not call in the doctor ? (Change the Voice).


  44. Read more
  45.  (ii) She said, "What a lovely scene!" (Change the Narration). 


  46. Read more
  47. Part-E (Literature)  

    8. Write down the central idea of any one of the poems given below:  
          (i) On Friendship                       (ii) The Road not Taken 


  48. 9. Answer any three questions in 40-50 words each:  

    (i) How would Hassan apologise for his absence in the class ?                                                                                              (Hassan's Attendance Problem) 


  49.  (ii) Explain the writer's views about advising others ?                      (On Giving Advice)


  50. (iii) Describe the narrator's experience with her teacher.                  (The Story of My Life)


  51. (iv) What was the lesson Dr. Barnard learnt from the two brave youngsters?                                                                                              (In Celebration of Being Alive)


  52. 10. Answer any two questions in 40-50 words each: 

    (i) What was the real aim of Miss Beam's school?  


  53.  (ii) Why did Bholi's parents agree to Bishamber's proposal for Bholi ?


  54.  (iii) What was Datta's experience about his customers ? 


  55. 11. Write a brief character-sketch of John Philip Sousa in about 100-120 words.                                                                                                                               (The March King)                                                              Or 


  56. Write, in your own words, the theme of the chapter On Saying Please" in about 100-120 words


  57. 12 Justify the title of the story "A Chameleon" in about 100-120 words. 


  58. Give a brief character-sketch of Karam Singh's father in the story "The Bull beneath the Earth” in about 100-120 words
