Data base management system
Previous year question paper with solutions for Data base management system
Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Data base management system . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our DBMS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.
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- What is the difference between the candidate key and super key?
- Why do we need mappings between the different levels of Database?
- What are weak entities?
- Differentiate between the commit points and check points
- State the write-ahead log rule
- What do you mean by join dependency?
- Differentiate between log files and Audit trails.
- What is discretionary and mandatory access control?
- Define Entity and Entity sets.
- What are ACID properties of transactions?
- Give the usage of rename operation with an example
- With an example explain what a derived attribute is?
- List the SQL statements used for transaction control.
- Define functional dependency
- What do you mean by weak entity sets?
- Define Physical schema and Logical schema.
- Differentiate between procedural and non procedural language
- Define integrity constraints.
- Give various symbols used in E.R. diagram.
- Describe statistical database security.
- How can values of a table in ACCESS modified?
- What is the use of group function in SQL?
- What is the need of putting constraints in queries?
- Why is a primary key required?
- What are UPDATE and APPEND queries used for in SQL?
- What is the use of DELETE query in SQL?
- How is access control enforced over a database?
- What are the various ways in which a database can be secured?
- What do you understand by serializability of schedules?
- Classify different kind of DBMS and discuss one application of each DBMS