Previous Year Very Short Questions of OOPS (B-TECH electronics and communication engineering 3rd)

Object oriented programming using c++

Previous year question paper with solutions for Object oriented programming using c++

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Object oriented programming using c++ . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our OOPS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

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  1. Consider a pointer declaration int i=10,*p; p=&x; Is pā€“ ā€“; a valid statement, justify?
  2. What is the difference between high level and a low level language?
  3. What are the major features of structured languages?
  4. What is meant by precedence rule for evaluation of expressions?
  5. What are enumerated data types?
  6. How is the order of invocation of destructors different from constructors?
  7. What is the use of inline member functions?
  8. What is the function used for error handling: file could not open in C++?
  9. What is the use of this pointer?
  10. What is meant by object slicing?
  11. What are the various input statements of C++?
  12. What are static functions? Explain how friendship function is used in C++.
  13. What are virtual constructors? Give relevant examples to explain it.
  14. Distinguish between static members & variables. How are they useful?
  15. Explain how memory is allocated to classes & objects.
  16. Explain the use of get & put pointer in file handling.
  17. Why are classes in CPP called Abstract Data Types?
  18. Explain the difference between abstraction & data hiding.
  19. Why are classes in C++ called Abstract Data Types?
  20. Draw flow chart to find the largest of three numbers.
  21. Differentiate between Call by value and call by reference.
  22. What is Data hiding? How it is achieved in C++.
  23. What is a destructor? How it is defined.
  24. What do you mean by function overloading? Give example.
  25. What is the use of this pointer? Discuss.
  26. Define Class. How object and class are related to each other? Give example.
  27. Define a class template. What are its advantages?
  28. Illustrate with an example, how the endl and setw manipulator works.
  29. Discuss the concept of abstract class with example.
  30. What is static storage class? What are its characteristics?