Previous Year Very Short Questions of EME (B-TECH Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1st-2nd)

Elements of mechanical engineering

Previous year question paper with solutions for Elements of mechanical engineering

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  1. What do you understand by thermodynamic equilibrium?
  2. What is first law of thermodynamics?
  3. Distinguish between non-flow and flow processes.
  4. State the Classius statement of second law of thermodynamics.
  5. What is Classius inequality?
  6. Draw p-v and T-S diagram for the otto cycle.
  7. Define mechanical advantages and velocity ratio.
  8. Differentiate between mechanism and machines.
  9. What is thermal stress?
  10. What is meant by hardness of a material?
  11. Explain, the difference between temperature, heat and internal energy.
  12. State the basic assumptions of steady flow energy equation.
  13. Why does the enthalpy of an ideal gas depends upon temperature only?
  14. State Carnot theorem for an engine and a refrigerator.
  15. How the Second law of thermodynamics overcomes the limitation of First law?
  16. What is function of crank shaft and flywheel in an IC engine?
  17. What is air standard efficiency? Write its expression for diesel cycle.
  18. What is mild steel? How is it different from cast iron and wrought iron?
  19. How does stainless steel become stainless?
  20. Define centre of gravity and centroid.
  21. What is a quasi-static process?
  22. Define internal energy.
  23. Give the representation of throttling process on P-V chart.
  24. What is a cyclic heat engine?
  25. Give the Kelvin-Plank statement of the second law.
  26. Define the COP of a refrigerator.
  27. What is an air standard cycle?
  28. State the four processes of the Otto cycle.
  29. Differentiate between kinematic chain and mechanism.
  30. Define the term resilience.
  31. Define property and mention its main characteristic in relation to a cyclic process.
  32. Define specific heat. Why there are two specific heats for gases?
  33. Name and state the property introduced by the first law of thermodynamics.
  34. Show that the work done in a steady flow process is given by � ∫ vdp .
  35. Explain the concept of Clausius Inequality.
  36. Comment on the statement, �The entropy of the universe tends to be maximum�.
  37. Define the terms available energy and unavailable energy.
  38. How IC engines are classified?
  39. Give the position of centroid of a triangle and semicircle.
  40. Give composition and uses of high carbon steel and high speed steel.
  41. What are open and closed systems?
  42. Name the few extrinsic properties.
  43. Define enthalpy.
  44. Write the SFEE for centrifugal pump.
  45. Draw the PV diagram for adiabatic process.
  46. Draw the TS diagram for Otto cycle.
  47. Define link.
  48. What is velocity ratio?
  49. Define poisson's ratio.
  50. Define modulus of rigidity.
  51. What is Thermodynamics? (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
  52. Define Energy.
  53. Draw the PV and TS diagrams for isochoric process.
  54. Define specific heats of gases.
  55. What is Polytropic Process?
  56. Define Entropy.
  57. Draw the PV and TS diagram of Otto cycle.
  58. What is Polymersiation?
  59. Define Stress And Strain.
  60. Define Moment of Inertia.
  61. What is closed system ? (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
  62. What are path properties?
  63. Define internal energy?
  64. Write the steady flow energy equation for compressor?
  65. Define isobaric process?
  66. What is the c.o.p. for heat pump?
  67. Draw the PV and TS diagram for Otto cycle?
  68. What are inversions?
  69. What is stress?
  70. Define possion�s ratio?