Previous Year Very Short Questions of PHYSICS (B-TECH Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1st-2nd)

Engineering physics

Previous year question paper with solutions for Engineering physics

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  1. Define Electrodynamics.
  2. What do you mean by spatial coherence?
  3. Differentiate between ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials.
  4. What is Isotope effect?
  5. What do you mean by Couplers?
  6. �Is earth an inertial frame of reference�? Comment.
  7. What is non-destructive testing?
  8. What do you understand by expectation values?
  9. �Can we synthesise superconducting wires�? Comment.
  10. What do you mean by orthogonal wave function?
  11. What are main characteristics of dielectric materials?
  12. What do you mean by polarization of EM waves?
  13. What do you understand by Meissner effect?
  14. What are type I superconductors?
  15. What do you mean by X-ray radiography?
  16. What do you mean by stimulated emission?
  17. What do you mean by length contraction?
  18. What is physical significance of Numerical aperture in reference to fibre communication?
  19. What is the concept of wave packet?
  20. What is quantum dot?
  21. Which type of magnetic materials have permanent magnetic dipole moment associated to them?
  22. What is Bohr-magneton?
  23. Which laser gives output radiation having frequency in the visible as well as IR region?
  24. What is the physical significance of divergence of a vector field?
  25. Why a three level laser normally provide a pulsed output?
  26. What do you understand by �10.5dB/Km@850nm�?
  27. How you define proper length and proper time interval as per special theory of relativity?
  28. Why n = 0 state is not allowed for particle confined to an infinite potential box?
  29. What do you mean by a primitive unit cell?
  30. What is a Cooper pair?
  31. Write Maxwell�s equations in differential form and give their physical significance
  32. What is the physical significance of pointing vector?
  33. How do you understand by the phenomenon of diamagnetism?
  34. Why the lasing action is easier in four level laser systems?
  35. Why do we observe spiked output of ruby laser?
  36. What is the basic principle of guiding the light wave through an optical fiber?
  37. What were the results of Michelson-Morley Experiment?
  38. Why an electron can�t be accelerated in a cyclotron?
  39. What is Mosley�s law and how it is useful classification of elements in periodic table.
  40. What is a cooper pair and how it is formed ?
  41. Why no Compton effect can be observed with radiowaves?
  42. What are the conduction and displacement currents?
  43. What is Isotope effect?
  44. What is the physical phenomenon underlying the generation of x-rays?
  45. What is stimulation emission and give the factors on which its rate depends?
  46. What is acceptance angle of an optical fiber?
  47. What do you understand by simultaneity of an event in the special theory of relativity?
  48. There exists no rest frame for a photon. Why?
  49. Using time-energy uncertainty principle show that no excited state in any atom can be mono-energetic in nature.
  50. What do you understand by magnetostriction?
  51. What is the physical significance of divergence of a vector field?
  52. Show that divergence of curl of a vector field always vanishes.
  53. What is isotope effect?
  54. Distinguish between the origin of characteristic and continuous x-rays.
  55. Discuss various pumping methods used in lasers for obtaining the state of population inversion.
  56. What are various signal attenuation and losses in an optical fiber?
  57. What are space-like and time-like intervals in relativity?
  58. Using energy-time uncertainty principle, show that no excited state in atom can be mono-energetic in nature.
  59. Why a particle trapped in a box can�t be at rest?
  60. Define Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  61. Why no Compton effect is observed with visible light?
  62. What is the origin of displacement current?
  63. What is Meissner effect?
  64. What are the origins of characteristic and continuous x-rays?
  65. What is population inversion and give its significance in lasing action?
  66. What is acceptance angle of an optical fiber?
  67. What were the postulates of special theory of relativity?
  68. Justify why a photon can�t be brought to rest in any frame of reference.
  69. Why a particle trapped in a box can�t be at rest?
  70. What are hard and soft magnetic materials?