Previous Year Very Short Questions of CA-1 (BCOM 3rd)

Corporate accounting-1

Previous year question paper with solutions for Corporate accounting-1

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Corporate accounting-1 . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our CA-1 question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

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  1. Sweat equity shares
  2. Firm underwriting
  3. Minimum subscription
  4. Ex-interest and cum-interest
  5. Divisible profits
  6. Intrinsic value ofshares
  7. Interim dividend
  8. Statutory Report
  9. Own debentures
  10. Brokerage
  11. Distinguish between ‘Capital Reserve’ and ‘Reserve Capital
  12. Write short note on Sweat Equity Shares.
  13. Distinguish between bonus issue and right issue
  14. What are naked debentures?
  15. Explain firm underwriting
  16. What is intrinsic value of shares?
  17. What is oversubscription of shares?
  18. What is a contingent liability?
  19. What is super profit for valuation of goodwill?
  20. What is profit prior to incorporation?
  21. Surrender of shares
  22. Issue of share at discount
  23. Book building
  24. Firm underwriting v/s Sub underwriting
  25. Right issue
  26. Cat goodwill
  27. Profit prior to incorporation
  28. Interim dividend
  29. Super profit
  30. Loan capital