Previous Year Very Short Questions of BF (BCOM 4th)

Business finance

Previous year question paper with solutions for Business finance

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Business finance . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our BF question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

These Questions are downloaded from You can also download previous years question papers of 10th and 12th (PSEB & CBSE), B-Tech, Diploma, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, M-Tech, PGDCA, B-Com, BSc-IT, MSC-IT.

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  1. Concept of Perpetuity
  2. Internal rate of return
  3. Nature of finance function
  4. Shorter vs. long term sources of financing
  5. Venture capital
  6. Combined leverage
  7. Payback period
  8. Re-order level
  9. Role of Financial officer
  10. Opportunity cost of capital
  11. Give objective of finance function
  12. What is Lease financing?
  13. What is venture capital financing?
  14. What is composite cost of capital?
  15. What is optimal capital structure?
  16. What is IRR?
  17. What is Scrip Dividend?
  18. Define Maximum Stock Level.
  19. Describe the concept of annuity
  20. What is financial planning?
  21. Discount Rate
  22. Finance Lease
  23. Seed Venture Capital
  24. Financial Leverage
  25. Permanent working capital
  26. Cost of Retained Earnings
  27. Public Deposits
  28. Stock Dividend
  29. Compound Value Factor
  30. Annuity