Previous year question paper with solutions for SOFTWARE ENGINEERING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Our website provides solved previous year question paper for SOFTWARE ENGINEERING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our SEPM question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.
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- Differentiate between Reverse engineering and Re-engineering.
- What is software quality assurance?
- What is acceptance testing?
- Differentiate between White box and Black box testing?
- What are test cases?
- Write down the four major responsibilities of a software project manager?
- Define LOC.
- Write a short note on Software development vs. Software engineering.
- What is Activity network?
- What is SRS document? Write down the characteristics of a good- SRS document
- What are the different attributes of software quality?
- What is a spike solution in XP?
- What are the main criteria for evaluating the quality of an SRS?
- Write the software equation.
- Write a short note on 'program evaluation and review technique'.
- Explain LOC based estimation with example.
- Differentiate between validation and verification.
- List any five software configuration items.
- List the cohesion metrics.
- Define re-engineering.