Solved question paper for SE May-2018 (BCA 6th)

Software engineering

Previous year question paper with solutions for Software engineering May-2018

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Question paper 1

  1. Section-A

    1. (a) How problem domain is specified in software engineering? Also explain various software engineering challenges.


    A problem domain is the area of expecting or application that need to be examined to solve a problem. Focusing on a problem domain is simply looking at only the topic of an individual interest and including everything else. Example when a developing a system to measure a good practice in median carpet drawings and hospitals would not be included in the problem domain in this example the domain refers to the elements topic solely within the delimited area of of interest medicine.

    Problem domain is an engineering terms surfing to all information that define the problem and contains the solution the consistency been part of the problem.

    It include the goal that the problem Honours wishes do achieve, the context within which the problem exist, and all rule that define essential function or other aspects of any solution product. It represents the environment in which a solution will have to apparel as well as the problem itself.

    It is called scope of analysis, when collecting user stories for user requirement whatever how how do you decide which ones are relevant? You keep in mind some higher level standards of what the objectives are and what people think the problems are if people do not think about problems they would not be paying someone to come up with a solution would they. Then its other in in butt or border line if its border line you probably I want someone to agree it's out even you want it to be. In the mean time and probability afterwards you keep it as something to think about.

    Not let the customer for a software solution the problem honour does not necessarily recognise the existence of a problem so much as an opportunity full stop an engineer seen a problem domain as being the set of circumstances for which he or she has to provide solution its engineer problem not necessarily the customers.

  2. (b) why software development process model is applied? Explain any one model of your choice.


    A software process also known as software methodology is a set of related activities that lead to the production of the software air. This activity may involve the development of the software from the search for manufacturing and existing system.

    Any software process must include the following four activities.

    1. Specification for requirements engineering:- define the main functionalities of the software and the constrains around them.

    2. Software design and implementation :- no software is to be designed and programmed.

    3. Software verification and validation:- the software must confirm to its specification add the customer needs.

    4. Software evaluation software maintenance:- the software is beings modified to meet customer and market requirements changes.

    The Waterfall model was the first process model to be introduce. It is also referred to as a linear sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model is phrase must be complete before the next phrase can begin and there is no overlapping inter phrases.

    The Waterfall model illustrate the software development process in a linear sequential flow this means that any phrase in the development process beings only if the previous praise is complete poster it it this Waterfall model the phrase do not overlap.

    Waterfall Model Design

    Waterfall approach was first model to be used wisely in software engineering to ensure success of project in in the waterfall approach the whole process of software development is a divide into separate grace's. In the Waterfall model typically the outcome of one phrase act as an input of the next phrases sequentially.

    The following illustration is representation of the different phases of waterfall model.

    The sequential phrases in waterfall model are are

    1. Requirement gathering and analysis:- All possible requirement of the system to be developed are captured in the phrase and document in requirement specification documents.

    2. System Design:-The requirement specification from first praise are study in the phrase and the system design is prepared. This system design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and helps in defining the overall system architecture.

    3. Implementation:- With inputs from the system design the system is first developed in small programs called unit. Which are integrate in the next phrase each unit is developed and tested for its functionality for stop which is referred to as unit testing.

    4. Integration And testing :- All the unit developed in the implementation phrase are integrated into a system after testing of each unit post integration in entry system is tested for any faults and failures.

    Deployment of system:- Once the functional and nonfunctional testing is done the product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.

  3. 2. (a) explain Project Management process with suitable example.


    project management is one of the critical process of any project. This is based to the fact that project management is the core processor that connects all other project activities and process together.

    When it comes to the activities of project management there are plenty. However these plenty of project management activities can be categorised into five main processes.

    Let's have a look at the five main Project Management process in detail

    1. Project Initiation:- Project Initiation is the starting point of any project in this process all the activities related to winning a project take place.

    During the pre period the service provide proves the eligibility and ability of completing the project to the client and eventually when the business. Then it is the detailed requirements gathering which comes next.

    1. Project Planning:- Project planning is one of the main Project Management process. If the project management team gets this step wrong there could be heavy negative consequences during the next place of the project.

    2. Project execution:- After all paper work is done in the prices of the project management proceed the project is order to achieve project objectives.

    3. Control and validation:- During the project life cycle is the project activities should be thoroughly controlled and validation the controlling can be mainly done by adhering to the initeal. Protocols such as a project plan Quality Assurance text plan and communication plan for the project.

    Real life project management process examples.

    Real life real life project management process example for comprised of various. Like intention planning implementation monitoring and closer keep in mind that any project is fine at in nature which means it has specific intention and finishing deadline.

  4. (b) How the software configuration Management process is carried out explain in detail.


    Software configuration Management process first, plan.

    Configuration management begins at the beginning of the project. When you are putting together you project management plans, your configuration management plan is part of the project management. Plan small and caste come apart, but not want that should be overlooked.

    Next, identify configuration items.

    Is item that needs configuration management is given identifier as it can be tracked use the project breakdown for stop structure if you have one because that's already number and it says you a job com free items related to project requirements for stop they can include:-

    • Project documents.

    • Products, physical and virtual.

    • Anything that is going to be created or changed.

    Control your records:- Configuration records need to be fight Li controlled to ensure there is a full rude, trail, between the original requirement and the final version.

    Status Accounting:- Status Accounting is a term that best mean much outside of the world of corn management at least to me. All it means is that you can see the status of any item whenever you want.

    Finally Audit:- Audits you are an independent party outside. Of the project team. This could buy projection Assurance or an external body like the healthy and safety e execute of the local Council.

  5. 3. (b) why project planning is required? Explain its various activities in detail.


    Project Planning

    after the project has been defined and the project team has been accounted, you are ready to enter the second phase. In the project management lifecycle The detailed Project Planning phase.

    Project planning is at the heart of the project life cycle, and tells everyone involved where you are going and how you are going to get there for stop the planning phase is vendor project plans are documented the project deliverables and requirements. That are defined and the project schedule is created it involves creating a set of plans to help give your team. Through the implementation and observe phase of the project full stop the plans created during this phase will help you manage time, cast, quality, change risk and related issues. The project planning phase is open the most challenging face for a project manager, as you need to make and educated about the staff, sources and equipment needed to complete your project. You may also need to plan your communication and requirement activities, as well contract any third party suppliers.

    The purpose of the project planning phase is to


    • Tu established business requirements

    • Establish cost, schedule, list of deliverables and delivery days for stop

    • Establish resources plans.

    • Obtain management approval and produce to next phase.

    The basic processes of project planning

    • Scope Planning:- Specifying the in scope requirements for the project to facilities creating the work breakdown structure.

    • Preparation of the work:- Breakdown tractors spelling out The breakdown of the project into task and subtask.

    • Project Schedule development :- Listing the entire casual of the activities and detailing their sequence of implementation.

    • Resource Planning:- Indicating who will do what work at which time and if any official skills are needed to accomplish the project tasks.

    • Budget Planning:- Specifying the budget cost to be inquired at the completion of the project.

    • Renouncement Planning:- Focusing on vendors outside your company and subcontracting.

    • Risk management:- Planning for possible risk and considering optional plans and imitation strategies.

    • Quality Planning:-Assessing quality B2B a shot for the project.

    Project Planning Various activities


    • Determine project requirements.

    • Identify all database.

    • Determine cost estimates.

    • Revise the risk assessment.

    • Define and identify critical success factors.

    • Write a project charter.

    • Begin the project.

    • Create a detailed project plan.

  6. (b) which are the attributes that specify the quality of a software? Explain with example also


    attribute that specify the quality of software.

    Software quality attributes are correctness reliability, adequacy, learnability, robustness, maintainability, effiency.

    Correctness: The correctness of a software system refers to.

    • Agreement of program with specification.

    • Independence of the actual application of the software system.

    • The correctness of a program become especially critical when it is embedded in a complex software system.

    Reliability:- Reliability of a software device from

    • Correctness

    • Availability

    The behaviour over time for the fulfillment of given specification depend on the reliability of the software system.

    Adequacy:-Factors for the requirements of adequacy

    • The input required of the user should be limited to only what is necessary. The the software system should extract information only if it is necessary for the functions that the user wish to carry out.

    • The performance offered by the software system should be adapt to the vision of the user with the consideration given to the extentbility

    • Main result produced by the software system that result that a software system deliver should be output in a clear and well structured form and be easy to interpret. The software system should a road the user flexibility with respect to the scope the degree of detail and the form of a presentation of the result.

    Learn ability :- Learn ability of a software system depend on

    • The design of user interfaces.

    • The clarity and the simplicity of the user instructions.

    Robustness:- Robustness reduce the impact of operational mistake ok, input data, hardware errors.

    Maintainability:- Maintainability suitable for debugging and the modification and expansion of functionalities.

    Readability:- Readability of a software depend on its

    • Form of representations

    • Programming style

    Extensibility:- Extensibility allowed required modification at the appropriate location to be made without and deliver side effect.

    • Structredness of the software system.

    • Possibility that the implementation language provide for this purpose.

    Testability:- Suitability for allowing the program to follow. Program Extension and for debugging the term stability of a software system depend on

    Modular well structured program passive more suitable for Systematic stepwise testing then unstructured.

    • Efficiency:-ability of software system to fulfill its purpose with the best possible utilisation of all necessary sources.

    • Pratabilily :-the case with which software system can be adapted to run on computer other than the one for which was designed.

  7. 4. (a) Why Software requrement analysis is Carried- out ? Explain its various characteristics in detail.


    Software analysis Carried out:-

    1. First of all it helps to design software with subsystem may have conflating objective.

    2. Also system analysing have to achieve inter capability and unit of the subsystem.

    3. It helps to understanding of complex structure.

    4. Above all system analyse give an advantage of understanding and comparing the subsystem function with complete system.

    Correcteretic of software requirement Analysis:-

    1. Correctness:-User review is used to ensure the correctness of requirement started in the SRS. SRS is said to be cracked off it. Cover all the requirement that are actually expected from the system.

    2. Completeness:- Completeness of SRS indicate every sense of completion including the numbering of all the pages resolving the to be determined part 2 as much extend as possible as well as covering all the functional and nonfunctional requirements properly.

    3. Consistency:-Requirements in SRS are fat to be consistent if there are no conflicts between any set of requirements. Example of conflict including difference in terminologies used for separate phrases.

    4. Unambiguous hers:- An SRS is said to be unambiguous if all the requirements to start have only one interpretation . Some of the way to to prevent unambiguous include the use of modelling technique like ER designs.

    5. Ranking far importance and Stability:- There should a criterion to classify the requirement as less or more important or more specifically as desirable or essential. Unidentified mark can be used with every requirements.

    6. Modifiability:- SRS should be made as modifiable as a possible and should be capable for easy accepting changes to the system to some extent. Modification should be properly index and cross references.

    7. Verifiability:-As SRS is verifiable if there exist a specific technique to measures the extent to which every requirement is made by the system. For example are requirements starting that the system must be user finally is not verifiable and listing such requirement should be avoid.

    8. Traceability:- One should be able to trace a requirement to design component and them to a code segment in the program.

    9. Design Independence:- There should be an option to choose from multiple design alternative for the final system.

    10. Testability:- As SRS should be written in such a way that is easy to generate. Text create and test panels from the document.

    11. Understand By the customer:-An end-user maybe and expect in his or her specify domain but might not be an expert in computer science.

    12. Right Level od Abstraction:- If SRS is written for the requirement Praise the detail should be e explained explicitly.

  8. (b) Explain Data Flow diagrams and ER diagrams with example.


    Let us now learn how to ER model is represented by means of an ER diagram full stop any object for example entities attribute of an relationship set, and attributes of relationship that can be represented with the help of ER diagram.

    1. Entity:- Entity are represented by means of a rectangle. Rectangular name with the the entity set they represent.

    2. Attributes:- Attributes are the properties of entities. Attribute are represented by means of ellipses every ellipse represents one attribute and is a director connected to the entirety. If the attributes are are composite they are further divided into tree like structure every mod is then connected to the its attributes.

    Multivalued attribute deported by double ellipse.

    1. Relationship:- Relationship are represented by Diamond theft box. Name of the relationship is written inside the Diamond box. All the entire 30 participating in relationship are connected to it by a line.

  9. Section-B

    5.(a) what is a structured design methodology? Explain in detail.


    structured analysis and structured design is a cinematic rotation which is a design to help people understand the system. The basic goal of SA/SA is to improve quality and reduce the risk of system failure. It establisher concert managment. Specification add documentation. It for use on on solidity, pliability and maintainability system.

    Basically the approach of SASD based on the data flow diagram it is easy to understand SASD but it focus is on valid define system boundary whereas approach is too complex and does not have any graphical representation.

    OA/SD is is combined known as SAD and it mainly focuses on following three points

    1. System

    2. Process

    3. Technology

    The structural design methodology has solid theoretical and philosophical foundation and can be applied in any control system development, from amplifier 2 social system. In the area of analogue design, its main feature are the following.

    1. Any system parameter is perfect Ed and achieved by Saral changes is by addition of new component and links and feedback which is the main consideration for any component connection at the main tour of the designer the critics Optimisation by the variation of component parameter is acceptable only when the structural mean of improvement are exhausted.

    2. The first sun of the system synthesis and analysis is performed on the level extracted from the energy form.

    3. The circuit synthesis is elected by interactive process of structure implementation using a library of cell, and detailed simulation verify implementation.

    4. The cirtuct and system that do not comply with the definition of good system are rejected.

  10. (b) Define. Metrics Explain any two software design metrics.


    Software metric:- Software metric is a standard of measuring the contain many activities which involves some degree of measurement. It can be classified into three categories product metric, process metric, project metrics.

    Product metric:- Describe the characteristics of the product such as size, complexity, design, features, performance, quality level.

    Produce Matrix can be used to improve software development and maintenance full stop example include the effectiveness of defect removal during development the pattern of testing defect arrival, and the response time of the fix process.

    Project metrics describe the project characteristics and eid-ul ation example include the number of software development the staff pattern over the life cycle of the software, cost, scheduled.

    Some metric belong to multiplies categories for example the process quality metrics of the project and process metrics and project metrics.

    1. Project metrics:- These are the measure of various characteristics of the software product the two important software characteristics are are

    1. Size and complexity of software

    2. Quality and reliability of software

    Thus metrics can be completed for different stage of SDLC

    1. Process metrics:-These are the measures of various characteristics of the software development process for example the efficiency of attraction. They are used to measure the characteristics of a method, techniques and tools that are used for developing software.

  11. 6. (a) explain various programming principal to be implemented to develop system code.



    1. Kiss:- Nobody in programming love do debug maintain and make change in complex code. Keep it simple stupid state that most system work best if they are kept simple rather than making it Complex so when you are writing code your solution should not be complicated when that take a lot of time and effort to understand. If your code is a simple than other developers will not face any problem understanding the code logic and they can easily produce for the with your code so analyse try to your code using different approaches like breaking a complex problem into smaller check for taking out some necessary code you have written.

    2. Day:-Duplication of data logic or function in code not only make your code length but also waste a lot of time when it come to maintain debug or modify the code if you need to make a small change in your code then you need to do it a server places.

    3. YAGNT:- Your software or program can become large and complex if you are writing some code which you may need in failure but not at the moment. You aren't gonna need it principle state that do not implement something until it is necessary because it most of the cases you are not going to use that piece of code in future.

    4. Solid:- The solid principles stand for 5 principal which are single responsibilities, open closed, like substation, interface, segregation and dependency inversion.

    5. Separation of concerns:-Separation of concern principal partition complicated application in two different section order means addressed as separate concern or has a specific job.

    6. Avoid Premature Optimization :-It is true that Optimisation help in speeding up the program or algorithm add a early stage of development if you do parameter Optimisation you will not be able to know where a a program be able to know where a program bottleneck will be and maintenance will become harder for you.

    7. Law of Demeter:- The principle was first introduced by LAN handle in 1987 at Northeastern University. It is also known as the principle of least knowledge.

  12. (b) Explain code inseptions and static analysis techniques for code verification?


    code Inception is the most formal type of review which is a kind of a statics testing to avoid the defect multiplication at a last stage.

    • The main purpose of code inspection is to find a defect and it can also sport any process improvement of any.

    • An Inception report list the finding, which include matrix that can be used two improvement the process as well as cracking defect in the document under review.

    • Preparation before the meeting is essential, which include reading of any source document to ensure consistency.

    • Inception are often led by a trained who is not the author of the code.

    • The Inception process is most formal type of review based on the role and checklist and make use of entry and exit criteric.

    • It usually involve pre examination of the code and each one has defined set of roles.

    • After the meeting a formal follow up process in used to ensure that effective action is a completed in a timely manner.

    Static program analyse is the analyse of computer software that is performed without actual program in contrast with dynamic analysis which is analysed perform on the program while they are extension. In most cases the analysis of A performed on some reason of source code and in offer cases some form of the object code.

    The term is usually applied to the analysis performed by an automatic tool with human analyzers being called program understanding program comparison a code solved softin Inception and software Walkthrough you are also used in the letter cases.

  13. 7. (a) define software testing. Also explain its various levels.


    Software testing/Basic:- Software testing can be started as the process so very fine and validating that are softer or application is it bug free mute the technical requirement El guarded by it is begun and David and me to the user requirement effectively and efficiently weather handling all the expectation all and boundary cases.

    The process of softer testing games not only the finding Ford in the existing software but also at finding measure to improve the software interim of efficiency, accuracy and use ability. It mainly ames at measuring specification functionality and performance of a softer program on application.

    Level of software testing

    1. Unit testing :- While hoarding the programmer perform to summer test on the unit of program to know if it is error three testing a protein interesting help develop person decided that individual unit of the program and working as better requirement and our area free.

    2. Integration testing :- Even if the unit of softer are working fine individually there is a need to find over if the unit is integrated together would also work without error for example argument passing and Dada updaition etc.

    3. System testing :- The software is complied as productive and then it is tested as a whole. This can be accompanied using one or more of the following test.

    4. Functionality testing :- Test all functionality xoffice after against to the requirement

    • Performance testing :- This best route low efficiency of software is best effectiveness and average diamond taken by the software to desired task.

    • Security portability:- these Best are Donovan the software is a mentor to work on video chat platforms and assess by number of persons.

    1. Acceptance testing ;- When the Software he's ready to head over head over to the customer has to go through lost a phrase of asking where it is a bastard for user interaction and he responds. This is important because even if it doesn't work matches all user requirement and if user does not like the way it appears or vodka it may be rejected.

    • Alpha testing :- The I'm over developer damn self perform Alpert a Stringer by using system as if it is being used in vodka environmental they try to find out how user were the DJ to outcome action in software and how the system should be responded to input.

    • Beta Testing :- After the software is a tester eventually it is handed over to the user to use it under their production environment only for testing purpose.

  14. (b) draw difference between blackbox and whitebox testing in detail.


    Difference between black boxer testing and white boxer testing

    Black box testing

    White box testing

    It is the way of softer testing in return the internals of beer or the program or the code of hidden and nothing is known about it.

    It is a Wii of testing of the Sovereign in Wichita tester has knowledge about the internals after the code and the program of the software.

    It is mostly done by software testers.

    It is mostly done by software developer.

    No knowledge of implementation.

    Knowledge of implementation is required.

    It again be referred as outer and external software testing.

    It is in order internal software testing.

    It is a functional test of the software.

    It is a structural test of the software.

    This is testing can be interacted on basis offer requirements specification documents.

    This type of testing office software is started after detailed design documents.

    No knowledge of programming is required.

    It is a mandatory to have knowledge of programming.

    It is the testing behavior of the software.

    It is the logic testing of software.

    It is applicable to higher level of testing of software.

    It is generally applicable to the lower level of software testing.


    It is also called as clear box testing.


  15. 8. (a) what is a software maintenance? Explain its various categories.


    Software maintaince:- Software maintains is dumb process of modifying traductor after it has been delivered to the customer. The main purpose of softer maintenance is to modify and operators after application after delivery to correct farts and to improve performance.

    Need for maintenance softer maintenance must be performed in order to.

    • Correct faults

    • Improve the design

    • Implement enhancement

    • Interface with other systems

    • Accommodate program too bad different Hardware software system facilities can be used

    • Migrate legacy software

    • Retire software

    Categories of software maintenance maintenance can be divided into the following.

    1. Corrective maintaince:- corrective maintenance of a software productive maybe in essential either to rectify some bugs observed while the system is in the use or two enhancer the performance of the system.

    2. Adaptive maintaince:- This include modification and updating when the customer need the product to run on a new platform on new operating system on when they need the upper doctor to interface with new hardware and software.

    3. Perfective maintaince:- A software spell doctor near maintenance sport the new features that the user want or to change different type of functionality of the system according to the customer demand.

    4. Preventive maintaince:- This type of maintenance include modification and operation to prevent a future problems of the software. It goes to attend the problem which are not significance at this moment but they may cause of serious issues in a future.

  16. (b) define software reliability. Explain various uses of Reliability studies.


    softer reliability is the probability of failure free softer operation for a specific period of time in a specified and warm assault repair liability also and important factor settings system reliability. Difference from hardware liability in the Dead Teleflora the designer Perfection rather than manufacturing profession. The High complexity of a softer is a major contribution factor of software liability problems often liability is not a function of time all the researchers have come up the model dr. The modeling technique for supper reliability is originate Prospect early birthday before using that technically master carefully Slaughter the appropriate a model can but suitcases measurement in a software is still in this infancy. No good account quantitative methods have do to represent a software liability without excessive limitation where is approaches can be used to improve the liability balance development time and budget with software reliability.

  17. Section-C

    9. Explain the following

    (i) software design verification


    verification and validation is the process of investigating Dad software system terrified specification and standards and fulfill the requirement purpose. Barry Boehm described verification and validation as following

    Verification:- Verification is the process of checking that software achieve it's goals without any bug. It is a processor to ensure weather the product that is developed is right or not . Verification is static testing. Activities involved no verification

    1. Inspection

    2. Review

    3. Walkthroughs

    4. Desk checking

  18. (ii) structure charts.


    structure chart represent hierarchy structure of module. It Breaks down the entire system into lowest functional module, describe function and sub functions of each module of a system to to a greater detailed structure chart partitions of system into block born. Input are given to the black bone and appropriate output are generated.

    Symbol used in structured chart.

    1. Module

    2. Conditional cell

    3. Loop

    4. Data flow

    5. Control flow

  19. (iii) validation of requirements analysis


    the development of software begin so once the requirement document is ready. One of the objective of the document to check whether the delivered software system is acceptable.

    Requirement validation is similar to requirement analysis for both process review is gathered requirement. Requirements in validation and requirements analysis can be summarised as follow

    1. Requirements Validation:- here we got the requirement right?

    2. Requirements analysis:- Here We got a writer requirements?

    Various input such as requirements document organisational knowledge and organisational standard are shown.

    The output of requirement validation is list of problem and agreed action of the problems .

  20. (iv) importance of metrics.


    a software metric is measure of the software characteristics which are quantifiable al-noor countable full stop software metrics are important for many reason including measuring software performance planning work items and measuring productivity and manage other user. On more level software development management are trying to

    1. Increase return on investment

    2. Reduce cost

    3. Reduce over time

    4. Manager workloads

  21. (v) iterative process model.


    in this model you can start with some of the software specification and develop the first division of software. After the first reason if there is a need to change the software then a new version of the software is the created with a new itertion. Every release of the interactive model finished in exact and sex period that is called itertion.

    The iterative model allows the assessing easy a phrase in which the variation Moda representative. The final output of the project review at the end of software development life cycle process. The various price of interactive model are as follow

    1. requirement gathering and analysis

    2. Design

    3. Implementation

    4. Testing

    5. Development

    6. Review

    7. Maintenance