Solved question paper for WDUN May-2018 (BCA 6th)

Web designing using asp.Net

Previous year question paper with solutions for Web designing using asp.Net May-2018

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Question paper 1

  1. Section-A

    1. Discuss the feature, advantages and disadvantages of .NET framework.


    1 Features of NET framework:- NET theme bucket helps you create mobile command Easter topic, adverb application diet open on window PC device of service.

    • Common language Runtime (CLR)

    • NET framework class library(FCL)

    • Interoperability

    • Common type system (CTS)

    • Asynchronous programming portability

    • High performance memory management and security

    Advantages of NET:- The the applications develop in a PS. Letter are secure as window configuration. Not training in Chennai offer the placement top IT companies. It configuration can be attending for every application.

    • It describes the quality of code necessary in Lortab application which are the valve to buy. Net framework.

    • They provide service control and blueprint reading capability of drag and drop and involuntary operation.

    • It has horizontal scale ability

    • This creates the unified environment that allow developers to create a program in C30 Java or basic.

    • The interface is where the window of Microsoft.

    • The tools and IDs are being protested are easily available in Microsoft developer network.

    • This languages integration is seamless and you can call metal from CH to V8.Net.

    Disadvantages of NET:-As it comes only with entity Framework aur Limited object-relational.

    • It doesn't come with multiple platforms port from Microsoft, and it is not available right after installing virus studio.

    • Top Migration of application from dotnet will be more expensive.

    • The modified code can be slower translate code.

  2. 2. What are the different data type available in C#? Explain.


    a data type specifies the type of data that a variable can store such as integers ok, floating, characters etc.

    1. Value Data type:- These are based and floating point based C language support both signed and unsigned lynx.

    • Two value based data type:- a). Predefined data type such as integer uh broken float exactra b) user defined data type structure environment ation etc.

    • User defined data type:- such a structure environment etc.

    The memory size of data type Mein change according to 32 or 64 bit operating system.

    1. Reference Data Type:-The reference data type do not contain the actual data store in a a variable but they contain a reference to the variables. If the data is changed by one of the variables The Other variables automatically reflect that change in value

    • Predefined Types:- Such as object string

    • User defined Types:- Such as a classes interfaces.

    • Pointer Data type:- The pointer in C language is a variable it is also known as locator aur indicator that point to an address of value.

    • Declaring a pointer :- The point in C language can be e declared using(asten sk symbol)

  3. 3. (a) what are the different methods of accepting user input? Explain.


    different method of accepting user input the scanner class is used to get user input and it is found in the Java citil package.

    To use the scanner class create an object of the class and use any of the available method found in the scanner class documentation.

    • Input types:- Button are push button within defauit behaviour

    • Check box:- A checkbox allowing single value to be selected aur deselected.

    • Colour:- A control of specifying a colour opening colour pics when active in a Sporting Browser.

    • Date:-A control for entering a data real month and day within no time.

    • E-mail:- A field for editing an email address looks like a text input output has a validation parameters.

    • Ale:- Use to select a file use the accept attribute to define the type of a file that control cam shield.

    • Image:-A graphical submit button display an image as attribute.

    • Month:-A control for entering a month and year with no time zone.

    • Password:- A single line text field whose value is obscured it alerts user if site is not secure.

    • Submit:- A button that submit forms.

    • Url:-A control for entering a data consisting of week year number and a week no with no time zone.

  4. (b) what are the purpose of using placeholder control? Explain giving example.


    ASP.NET placeholder control is not like other standard ASP NET controls full stop it has not user interface and does not a product any HTML output on client-side. Placeholder control is invisible for Website visitors. Still it is the one of very important controls on the Visual Studio Toolbox especially useful if you create dynamic user interface.

    • The only purpose of placeholder controls to hold control or contact like HTML can script plan text etc. Although it is possible to add control directly to page object, this way is not used much because it is hard to maintain where and how add controls will be show at runtime.

    • To start using placeholder control find it inside of standard tab of Visual Studio toolbox.

    • Drag placeholder control from toolbar and place it somewhere on webform.

    • Placeholder control is invisible for Website visitors still it is the one of a very important control on the Visual Studio Toolbox especially useful if you create a dynamic interface purpose of placeholder control is to hold other controls.

  5. 4. Discuss any four validation controls in detail.


    Validation Control:- Following are the type of ASP.NET validation controls.

    1. Required Validation:- There is an elementary validation control. Almost all the form have some field that are mandatory to be filled by the used before percept during forward. Required field validator ensure that Sach field are not let empty.

    2. Range Validation:- The range validator control simply specify the permitted range within which the input value should fall. This is most helpful for or number input value such as age or date input values.

    2.1 Type:-Specifies the type of data in the input field the value is covered to this type before validator. A acceptation is thrown of the specified type. The following data type can be compared in range validator.


    • String

    • Integer

    • Double

    • Date

    • Currency

    2.2 Minimum Value:- Specifies the minimum value that infield can hold.

    2.3 Maximum Value:- Specifies the maximum value that the field can hold.

    1. Regular Expression Validation:- Regular expression for simply e redax are pathogens that define the format of the text if the text is the same format return true else false.

  6. Section-B

    5. Discuss in detail the following:

    (a) using a calendar control.


    Calendar Control: - It is it difficult to remember dates so that's where the calendar come to rescue provides calender control that is used to display calendar on webpage. calender control display a month calendar that allow user to select date and motooo next and previous month.

    • By default this control display the name of current month, De headings for the days of the week days of the month and arrow for navigation to to the the previous or next month.

    • Display a month at a time.

    • Selecting a day, a week or a month.

    • Selecting a range of days.

    • Moving from month-to-month.

    • Controlling the display of the days programmcally.

  7. (b) displaying advertisements.


    Displaying Advertisement:- Display advertising referred to the process of advertising a product or service through visual link image and videos on network of publisher website such as the Google display Network and feedback etc.

    Display ads are placed on relevant that Party website in the form of a banners. Image a text ad add. It can be divided into three categories.

    1. Site placement Advertising:- In this type of display advertising the advertiser cricketer choose the website they would like to run their display ads on.

    2. Contextual Advertising:- In this advertising network place ad on relevant website for example showing an ad for desi feed on a pet adoption site.

    3. Remarketing:-In display ads appear in front of users who have been on your website or post click landing page but have without completing the relevant connection goals.

  8. (c) using a grid view control.


    Grid View Control:- The grid view control display the value data source in a table. Each column represent a field while each row represent a record. The gridview control sport the following features.

    • Binding to data source control, such as SQL data source.

    • Built in sort capability.

    • Built-in update and delete capability.

    • Built in a row selection capabilities.

    • Programmatic assess 2 to the gridview object model to dynamically set properties, handle event and so on.

    • Multiple key field.

    • Multiple data field for hyperlink columns.

    • Customisable appearance through themes and styles.

  9. 6. (a) write the method of debugging pages.


    Debugging ASP.NET Paper:- ASP. Net has the facility to perform debugging and error handling debugging can achieved by adding breakpoint to the code 110 ran to start with debugging option in Visual Studio to debugging the code.

    • Debugging is the process of adding back. To an application ANR

    • Demo application example

    Step-1:- First in sure we have our web application in Visual Studio and demo application also.

    Step-2:-By adding response right to display a string so when the application execute it should the string we are working in web browser.

    Step-3:- Now let add breakpoint. A breakpoint is a point in Visual Studio where you want to execution of the program to stop.

    Step-4:-Now you need to run your application using debugging mod in Visual Studio.

  10. (b) write the method of deploying website.


    Deploying ASP. Net Website:- There are two category of ASP.NET deployment

    Local Deployment:-In this case the entry application is confirmed with in a visual directory and all the contents and assemblers are connected.

    Global Deploying:- In this case assembles are available to every application running on the server.

    Three Ways of Deploying:-

    1. X copy deployment

    2. Copying a website of

    3. Creating a set of project we will discuss in this method you using window incessantly and package your web applications so it is ready.

    Creating a setup Project:- in this method you're using window install and package your web application so it is ready to display on production server. Visual Studio allow you to build deployment packages.

  11. 7. Write short note on the following:

    (a) Data set


    Data set:- It is a a collection of data usually presented in in tabular form. Each column represent a particular variable. Each column represent a particular variable cost of each row correspond to a given number of the data set in question first of it list values for each of the variable, such as height and weight of an object. Each value is known as a datum.

  12. (b) Data adapter


    Data adapter:- Adapter are used to exchange data black and white a data or source and data set. In many application this means reading data from and database into database and then a writing change data from the data set back to the database. However a data adaptor can more data BW any source and a data set.

  13. (c) Data reader


    Data reader:- Data readers provide and easy way for the programmer to read data form a database as if a a it were coming from a stream. A data reader is a situation for forward streaming data through ASP.NET. the data reader is also called firehouse forward reader only e e because it move forward through the data.

  14. (d) Data view


    Data View:- Data view enable you to create different view of the data store in a data table a capability that is often used in data binding application. Using a data view you can expose the data in a table within different short Orders and you can filter the data biro state or based on a filter expression.

  15. (e) Data grid.


    Data grid:- It is an architecture respect of service That Give industrial or groups of user the ability to assess, modify and transfer extremely large amount of geographical e Distributed Data for research purpose.

  16. 8. Define ADO.NET. how database connections are made using ADO.NET? Explain.


    ADO- NCT:-it is a data access technology from the Microsoft. Any Framework that provide communication BW relational and non relational system through our common set of components. is a set of computer software component that programmers can use to access data and data service from a database. It is a part of base class library this is include with the framework.

    it is Family used to buy programmer to assess and modified attitude in relational databases system through it can also assessor daughter in an honor relation data sources.. ADO sometime considered and evaluation of active data object Technology but was changed so extensively that it can be considered as and entirely new product.

    Connecting and communication application with a database is necessary part of any type of application for stop we may even say any application that does not a communicate with a database is useless. Application communication with a database to retrieve data and the application or to insert update or delete data.

    Ways of communication using parts. Now these are the following two ways of communication BW that application and database using part of

    1. By using data set and data adopter.

    2. By using command and data reader.

    In this way database connections are mode using

  17. Section-C

    9. Write the short note on following

    (i) what do you mean by common type system.


    Common Type System:- In it is a standard for defining and using data type in dotnet framework. CTS define a collection of data type which are used and managed by the runtime to facility cross language integration.

    CST provides the type of the Dot Net Framework with which dotnet applications components and control car belt in a different programming language so information is shared easily. so information is a shield easily. CST is a specification created by Microsoft and include the European converter manufacturer Association stranded. It also from the standard for implementing done at the framework.

  18. (ii) what the namespace?


    NET namespace :- the Colossal Library organize it closes into name places. For example Netta framework JavaScript.

    • Name please help to create a logical group of related classes and interfaces that can be used any language term framework.

    • Names which are used to avoid conflicts between classes and that have same name for example we can use two classes with same name but with different news places.

    • we can assess name place by simply imperting name space and two application.

  19. (iii) How multiple files are uploaded?


    Uploading Multiple files

    1. Browse to the page where you want to upload the files.

    2. Go to edit more than select the file type.

    3. Select upload

    4. Once the upload a file server select browse choose files.

    5. Browse to the file you want to upload from your computer and use ctol to select to choose multiple files.

    6. Select upload

    7. Uploading multiple files screen confirm which file you want to upload by selecting checkbox alongside each file.

    8. Optionally specify a shorter title for file. The short title appear in the contacts list page template.

    9. Select upload selected you should now see your file uploaded to file tab when you have finished uploading file select done.

  20. (iv) How localisation is done in pages?


    localization is the process of customizing the globalized web application to specific local and culture. Various resources such as image and text for the specified locate are created. the resource file in a localization is a scope to a particular page in an

    ASP.NET core provides service and maintenance for localising into different languages culture. Internationalization involve globalising and localisation. Localisation is the process of of adopting a globalised app, which you have already proceed for local ability to a particular culture located.

  21. (v) What do you mean by managed providers.


    Managed providers: - Managed providers is a term used for a group of.NET component that implement of access set of functionality the set forth by the artitecture.

    • Merge ADO and OLEDB into one layer.

    • Each provider contains a set of classes that implement common interfaces.

    • Initial managed providers implements

    • ADO managed provider:- provider assessed to any OLE DB data source

    • SQL server managed provider:-provider optimal performance when using SQL server.

    • Exchange managed provider :- retrieve and update in Microsoft exchang.