Solved question paper for Science Mar-2017 (UBSE 10TH)


Previous year question paper with solutions for Science Mar-2017

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Question paper 1

  1. 1.   Four option are given in each part of question. write the correct answer in your answer book -
    (a)  The chemical FORMULA OF LIME STONE IS –
    (I) CaCO3                (ii) CaO        (iii) Ca(oh)        (iv)  Ca(OH)2


    (i) CaCO3


  2. (b) A solution turns blue litmus red, its pH is likely to be –
    (i)  1          (ii)   8               (iii)   9        (iv)   10


    (i) 1

  3. (c) The function of Xylem in plants is –
    (i)  Transport of water                                  (ii)  Transport of food
    (iii) Transport of amino acid                        (iv) Transport of oxygen


    (i)  Transport of water

  4. (d) The device used for generating electric current is called –
    (i) Generator  (ii)Galvanometer        (iii) Ammeter        (iv)  Motor


    (i) Generator  

  5. (f)  Which of the following is not an example of a biomass energy source-
    (i) Wood      (ii) Gobar gas     (iii) Nuclear energy  (iv) Coal


    (iii) Nuclear energy

  6. 2.    Write the name and symbol of the metal that exists in liquid state in normal temperature.


    Mercury is the metal that exits in liquid state at normal time. It’s symbol is Hg.


  7. 3.  Write one example each of  unisexual and bisexual flower.


     Bisexual  Flowers:- Lily, Tomato, mango
    Unisexual Flowers:- Coconut flowers , Papaya, Watermelon 

  8. 4. How  much work is done in moving a charge of q C across two points having potential difference of


    Given Potential Difference V = |V
                                                  Charge Q= |C
          Work done w = V Q
                                    = 1  1
                                     = 1 J

  9. 5. Name the mirror that can give an enlarged and erect image of an object. 



    A Concave mirror gives an erect  and enlarged image of an object.

  10. 6. which chemical is mainly considered responsible for the depletion of Ozone layer?


    Chlorofluoro carbons (cfcs) are mainly responsible for man-male chemical ozone depletion. 

  11. 7. Give  two important uses of each washing soda and baking soda.



    Uses of washing soda:-
    * Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is used in glass ,soap and paper industries 
    *It  is used in the manufacture of sodium compounds such as Borax uses of Baking soda:-
    * Sodium nitrogen carbonate is also ingredient in antacids.
    * It is also used in soda-acid fire extinguishes

  12. 8. On the basis of  nomenclature of carbon compounds ,name the following compounds-



    (i) butanoic acid
    (ii) Propyne

  13. 9. State two difference  between artery and vein.


    Veins Arteries
    Moves towards the heart. Moves away from the heart
    Blood Pressure in veins is low B.P is high in arteries
    Values are present Values are absent
    Veins have large lumen Arteries have small lumen


  14. 10. Draw lablled diagram of neuron.


  15. 11. What is difference between modes of reproduction in unicellular and multicelluar organism?


    (a) Most of the unicellular organisms reproduce by the asexual process of “fisson”. In this process, mere cell divison leads to the creation of new individuals
    (b) In simple multicellular organisms, reproduction occurs by asexual methods such as a budding, regeneration 

  16. 12.  An electric motor takes 5.0 A of electric current from a 220 V line . Determine the energy  consumed in 2 hours by motor.


  17. 13. What is the principle of working of electric generator ? Name two sources of direct current.


  18. 14. The magnification produced  by a concave mirror is +2. What is the meaning of this statement?


  19. 15. Why should we conserve forests and wild-life ? Write any two reason.


  20. 16. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reactions-
    (a) Zn+ AgNO3  Zn (NO3)2 +Ag
    (b) Al+ CuCL2   AICI3 +Cu
    (c) BaCl2+K2SO4  BaSO4+KCI


  21. 17. Write electronic configuration (in shells) of following elements-
    (a) F(9)    (b) P (15)    (C) Ca (20)


  22. 18. Differentiate between metal and non- metal on the basis of their chemical properties.


  23. OR
    (a)Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine yields bleaching powder.
    (b)  What are amphoteric oxides ? Give two examples of amphoteric oxides


  24. 19. Mention three main parts of human brain and give the function of each .


  25. 20. Write short notes on following-
    (a) Budding            (b) Vegetative propagation 


  26. 21. (a) What are plant hormones?



  27. (b) How does chemical co-ordination take place in animals?


  28.  22. For the  given circuit diagram, calculate –
    (a) Total resistance of the circuit


  29. (b) Total current flowing in the circuit


  30. 23. (a) When a white ray of light passes through a prism,it is dispersed in seven colours . Write the reason


  31. (b) Why does the sun appear reddish in the early morning ?



  32. OR
    (a) What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?


  33. (b) What is Tyndall effect?



  34. 24.  What do you mean by conventional sources of energy? Clarify.


  35. OR

    What do you mean by Ecosystem ? Describe its major components


  36. 25. How will you obtain (Give chemical equation only)-
    (a)  Ethanoic and from Ethanol                         (b)Ester from ethanoic acid 
    (c) Ethene from ethanol                                     (d) Ethanol from Ester


  37. 26. Compare the arrangement of elements in Mendeleev’ periodic table and the Modern periodic table.


  38. OR
    (a) What are the limitations of Newland’s Law of Octaves ?


  39. (b) Clarify the difference between group and period in reference to periodic table.



  40. 27. Draw a diagram of human body and label following endocrine glands in it –
    (a) Thyroid gland                                             (b) Pancreas
    (c) Stamen                                                        (d) Calyx


  41. 28. Draw the labeled diagram of an electric motor. Explain its principle and working.



  42. OR
    (a) Name two safety measures commonly used in electric  circuits and appliances.


  43. (b) A positively charged particles projected towards west is deflected towards north by field. What will be  the direction of magnetic field ?



  44. 29.  A concave lens has focal length 15 cm. At what distance should the object from the lens be  that it forms an image at 10 cm from the lens? Find the nature, size and magnification of input ?



  45.  30. Give structural diagram of solar cooker and mention the advantages, disadvantages and limiate 
    Using a solar cooker
