1. Principles of Thermal Engineering (08 hrs)
- Introduction
- Property, system, surroundings
- Heat and work
- Enthalpy and internal energy
2. Gas Laws (08 hrs)
Boyle's law, charle's law, joule's law, characteristics equation, gas
constant, universal gas constant.
3. Law of Thermodynamics (12 hrs)
- Zeroth, first and second law of thermodynamics(concept only).
- Concept of entropy
- Constant volume, constant pressure, isothermal, hyperbolic,
adiabatic and polytropic, throttling and free expansion processes.
4. Air Cycles (08 hrs)
- Carnot cycle
- Otto cycle
- Diesel cycle
- Dual combustion cycle
5. Fuels and Combustion (05 hrs)
- Properties of fuel.
- Fuel combustion
- Air requirement for complete combustion of fuel, Analysis of exhaust
gases with the help of electronic analysers.
6. Air Compressor (09 hrs)
- Reciprocating air compressor.
- Working of single stage and double stage compressor and
- Rotary air compressor.
- Working of fan, blower, booster and super charger.
- Principle of turbo charger.
7. Testing of I.C. engine and determination of IHP, BHP and FHP. Heat
balance sheets, mechanical efficiency, specific fuel consumption. (07 hrs)
8. Introduction to air conditioning system. Refrigeration cycle, components of
air conditioning system and their function and trouble shooting. (07 hrs)