A. Strength of Materials:
1. Stresses and strains: (14 hrs)
- Introduction to stress and strain.
- Mechanical properties of materials.
- Tensile and compressive stress.
- Shear stress and strain.
- Hook's law and Young's Modulus of elasticity.
- Modulus of Rigidity.
- Poisson's ratio.
- Bulk Modulus.
- Deformation and stress in uniform bar.
- Deformation and stress in non uniform bar.
- Temperature stresses.
- Longitudinal and hoop stress in thin and thick cylinders.
2. Beam and Bending: (08 hrs)
- Concept of Beam and their types (simply supported, overhanging,
- Different types of supports.
- Concept of bending moments and shear force.
- B.M and S.F. diagram for Beams; for uniformly distributed and
concentrated loads.
- Determination of position of maximum B.M and S.F. in beam. Point of
3. Bending and Shear Stresses: (12 hrs)
- Concept of simple bending, assumptions made in it and derivation of
bending equation
- Flexural formulae.
- Concept of Second Moment of Area and Section Modulus for simple
- Rectangle cross section.
- Circular cross section.
- Triangular cross section.
- Hollow circular cross section.
- Calculation of bending stresses for the above section with given
loading and span.
- Average shear stress in Rectangular and I
4. Springs: (08hrs)- Leaf Springs.
- Maximum deflection in leaf springs.
- Maximum stress in leaf springs.
- Close coiled and open coiled springs subjected to axial load and axial
- Stiffness of a spring.
- Strain energy and proof resistance8hrs)
5. Shafts: (08hrs)
- Concept of torque and angle of twist.
- Derivation of Torsion equation.
- Calculation of Torque transmitted by hollow and solid shafts of round
6. Columns and Struts (06 hrs)
- Long and short columns
- Buckling of columns
- Euler, Rankine and Gorden formulae
B. Hydraulics
7. Basics: (02 hrs)
- Properties of fluids.
8. Static Pressure: (04 hrs)
- Pascal's law
- Concept of static pressure
- pressure head
9. Measurement of Pressure: (04 hrs)
- Introduction to absolute pressure, gauge pressure vacuum
- Working of simple manometer differential manometer, bourdon gauge.
10. Flow of Liquid: (06 hrs)
- Laminar and turbulent flow.
- Law of continuity.
- Velocity head, datum head, pressure Head, Total head.
- Bernoulli's Theorem.
- Discharge measurement
11. Flow Through Pipes: (04 hrs)
- Friction losses in pipes.
- Darcy's equation.
- Head loss due to sudden enlargement, contraction, obstruction and
12. Hydraulic Machinery (04 hrs)
Description and application of :
- Reciprocating pump
- Centrifugal pump
- Jack
- Coupling- Coupling