1. Internet and Web Basics (10 hrs.)
Internet and its applications, World Wide Web and its evolution, WWW vs Internet,
web page, web server, HTTP protocol, URL, Browser and its working, Types of
browser, Search Engine, Proxy Server.
2. Working with HTML (12 hrs.)
Structure of HTML Documents. Creating a web page using tags. Inserting Links,
Comments, Horizontal Rules. Formatting Text, Font, color, size. Creating List,
Tables, Images, Form and Frames. Cascaded Style Sheet (CSS), CSS rules,
Image maps. Semantic elements in HTML 5.
3. Working with JavaScript (12 hrs.)
What is JavaScript, using variable, lifetime of a variable, operators, using
conditional statements (If, if..else, switch) in JavaScript. Using JavaScript Loops
(for, while, do. While), Using JavaScript in an HTML document (JavaScript in head
element, JavaScript in body element, in an external file), User defind functions, commonly
used built-in javascript functions
4. Working with PHP & MySQL (12 hrs.)
Overview of PHP, Identifier, Variables, Data Types, Scope of Variables, Operators,
Expressions, Functions, Control Statements, Accessing MySQL from PHP.
5. Basics of JSP (10 hrs.)
Feature of JSP, Working of JSP Technology, SP processing and architecture. JSP
Lifecycle, Scriptlets.