1. Elements of Engineering Seismology (08hrs)
1.1 General features of tectonic of seismic regions.
1.2 Causes of earthquakes,
1.3 Seismic waves,
1.4 Earthquake size (magnitude and intensity),
1.5 Epicentre,
1.6 Seismograph,
1.7 Classification of earthquakes,
1.7.1 Seismic zoning map of India
1.8 Seismic design codes
1.8.1 Importance
1.8.2 Indian seismic codes
2. Seismic Behaviour of Traditionally-Built Constructions of India (08hrs)
2.1 Earthquake effects,
2.2 Traditionally built construction in India,
2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of masonry construction,
2.4 Behaviour of masonry construction during earth quakes,
2.5 Performance of building during earthquakes and Mode of failure (Out-of plane failure, inplane
failure, Diaphragm failure, Connection failure, Non-structural components failure)
3. Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete buildings(IS 13920-1993) (08hrs)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Common modes of failure in reinforced concrete buildings
3.3 Irregularities in reinforced concrete buildings
3.4 Types of irregularities
3.4.1 Vertical irregularities
3.4.2 Horizontal irregularities
3.5 Identification seismic damages in R.C.C. buildings
3.5.1 Column
3.5.2 Beams
3.5.3 Slabs
3.6 Ductile detailing as per IS13920-1993
3.7 Details of reinforcement
4. Introduction to IS 1893(part-I)-2002 (05hrs)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Assumptions
4.3 Design lateral forces
4.4 Equivalent later force procedure
5. Introduction to IS 4326-1993 (05hrs)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Earthquake resistant constructions
5.3 General Principal for earthquake resistant buildings (clause 4)
5.5 Special construction features (clause 5)
5.6 Categories of buildings
5.7 Codal provision of IS 4326-1993
5.8 Seismic strengthening arrangements (clause 8.4)
5.8.1 Horizontal reinforcement
5.8.2 Vertical reinforcement
6. Introduction to IS 13828-1993 (05hrs)
6.1 Earthquake resistant features of stone masonry
6.2 Earthquake resistance features for burnt clay brick in weak mortar
7. Introduction to IS13827-1993 (04hrs)
7.1 General recommendation for improving earth quake resistance of earthen construction
7.2 Seismic strengthening features of earthen buildings
8. Retrofitting measure for traditionally built construction (08hrs)
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Need of retrofitting
8.3 Retrofitting materials
8.4 Retrofitting measure of traditionally built construction
8.4.1 Retrofitting of masonry buildings
8.4.2 Retrofitting of concrete structure
8.4.3 Retrofitting of low cost buildings
9. Disaster Management (05hrs)
9.1 Disaster rescue,
9.2 Psychology of rescue, rescue workers, rescue plan, rescue by steps, rescue equipment,
9.3 Safeties in rescue operations,
9.4 Debris clearance
9.5 Causality management.