1. Study of Importance of Environmental Engineering (4 hrs)
Importance of clean environment, control of environmental pollution with respect to
air, land and water. Conservation of natural resources, environmental education and
awareness, sustainable development.
2. Environments and Ecology (4 hrs)
Definition and understanding of environment and ecology concept, ecosystem and
types of ecosystems, energy flow in an ecosystem, food chain, ecological pyramids,
consortium and ecological balance
3. Water Pollution (4 hrs)
Causes of pollution in surface and underground water eutrophication of lakes and its
preventing measure; BIS standards for water quality.
4. Air Pollution (4 hrs)
Definition, principal air pollutants, atmospheric parameters influencing air pollution,
types of air contaminants and their sources, effects of air pollution on human beings,
plants, animals, automobile pollution, BIS ambient air quality standards and
measures to combat air pollution
5. Noise Pollution (4 hrs)
Definition, unit of measurement of noise, sources and effects of noise pollution and
control of noise pollution
6. Effects of mining, blasting and deforestation (4 hrs)
Effects of mining, blasting and deforestation on the environment human life and wild
7. Land Use (4 hrs)
Effect of land use on environmental quality, land use and natural disasters,(landslides
etc.) soil degradation problems - erosion, water logging, soil pollution etc.
8. Environmental Impact Assessment (4 hrs)
Definition and requirements, environmental impact assessment. Flow chart of
environmental impact assessment methodology. Describe the need and importance
of EIA.
9. Legislation to Control Environmental Pollution (idea) (4hrs)
Indian legislative acts for water, land and air pollution control – provisions, scope and
10. Global Issues of Environmental Engineering (3 hrs)
Global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, oil pollution; radiation hazards and their
11. Renewable Source of Energy (3 hrs)
Role of non-conventional sources of energy (biogas, solar, wind etc) in environmental
protection. Conservation of energy resources like coal, oil etc., alternative fuels, biodiesel