
Mathematics | IELTS speaking part 1 questions

by Ielts Team


1. When did you start learning math?

I started learning math at the age of four when my parents enrolled me in Kindergarten.

2. Do you like math?

To be honest, I am not very much into Math. I like Science and English literature instead. I find math quite complicated.

3. Who taught you math?

Mrs. Sonam taught us Math during the first few years in school. She was a diligent and brilliant teacher.

4. Who’s your favorite teacher so far?

Well, Mrs. Sonam is my favourite Math teacher so far because she was quite skilled at explaining the concepts and basics of math. She provided level-based explanations to each student.

5. Is math difficult for you to learn?

Yes, I find math to be the most difficult subject, both algebra and geometry are complicated and I used to find it difficult to understand math lessons and had to work hard on this subject particularly.

6. Do you like to use a calculator?

Yes, I like using calculators because it saves a lot of time in making complex calculations with accuracy. It’s quite a useful device for students as well working people who have to make numerous calculations such as for Accountants.

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