Unit-I: Trigonometrically Leveling: Introduction, height and distances-base of the
object accessible, base of object inaccessible, geodetical observation, refraction and
curvature, axis signal correction, difference in elevation between two points.
Unit-II: Triangulation: Triangulation systems, classification, strength of figure,
selection of triangulation stations, grade of triangulation, field work of triangulation,
triangulation computations, introduction to E.D.M. instruments.
Unit-III: Survey Adjustment and Treatment of Observations: Definite weight of an
observation, most probable values, type of error, principle of least squares, and
adjustment of triangulation figures by method of least squares.
Unit-IV: Astronomy: Definiti ons of astronomical terms, star at elongation, star at prime
vertical star at horizon, star at culmination, celestial coordinate systems, Napier`s rule of
circular parts, various time systems: sidereal, apparent, solar and mean solar time,
equation of time-its cause, effect, determination of longitude, inter-conversion of time,
determination of time, azimuth and latitude by astronomical observations.
Unit-V: Elements of Photogrammetry: Introduction: types of photographs,
Terrestrial and aerial photographs aerial camera and height displacements in vertical
photographs, stereoscopic vision and stereoscopies, height determination from
parallax measurement, flight planning, plotting by radiline method, principle of
photo interpretation and photogram metric monitoring in Civil Engineering.
Unit-VI: Introduction of remote sensing and its systems.Analysis /measurements
onremote sensing analysis.and interretation of data
Unit-VII: Concept of G.I.S and G.P.S-Basic Components, data input, storage & output