Unit-I: Introduction: Hydrologic cycle, scope and application of hydrology to engineering problems,
drainage basins and its characteristics, stream geometry, hypsometric curves.
Unit-II: Precipitation: Forms and types of precipitation, characteristics of precipitation in India,
measurement of precipitation, recording and non recording raingages, raingage station, raingage network,
estimation of missing data, presentation of rainfall data, mean precipitation, depth -area -duration
relationship, frequency of point rainfall, intensity -duration- frequency curves, probable max. precipitation.
Unit-III: Evaporation & Transpiration: Process, evaporimeters and empirical relationships, analytical
method, reservoir evaporation and methods of its control, transpiration, evapo-transpiration and its
measurement, Penman`s equation and potential evapo-transpiration.
Unit-IV: Infiltration: Infiltration process, initial loss, infiltration capacity and measurement of infiltration,
infiltration indices.
Unit-V: Runoff: Factor affecting run-off, estimation of runoff, rainfall-run off relationships, measurement
of stage-staff gauge, wire gauge, automatic stage recorder and stage hydrograph, measurement of velocitycurrent
meters, floats, area velocity method, moving boat and slope area method, electromagnetic, ultrasonic
and dilution methods of stream flow measurement, stage discharge relationship.
Unit-VI: Hydrograph: Discharge hydrograph, components and factors affecting shape of hydrograph,
effective rainfall, unit hydrograph and its derivation, unit hydrograph of different durations, use and
limitations of UH , triangular UH, Snyder`s synthetic UH, floods, rational methods, empirical formulae,
UH method, flood frequency methods, Gumbel`s method, graphical method, design flood.
Unit-VII: Ground Water: Occurrence, types of aquifers, compressibility of aquifers, water table and its
effects on fluctuations , wells and springs, movement of ground water, Darcy`s law, permeability and its
determination, porosity, specific yield and specific retention, storage coefficient, transmissibility.
Unit-VIII: Well Hydraulics: Steady state flow to wells in unconfined and confined aquifers.