Previous year question paper for DS (B-TECH Computer Science Engineering 3rd)

Data Structures Using C

Previous year question paper with solutions for Data Structures Using C from 2014 to 2017

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Data Structures Using C from 2014 to 2017. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our DS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

Section-A Overview of C, Introduction, Stacks and Queues

Overview of ‘C’ :Introduction , Flow of Control, Input output functions, Arrays and

Structures, Functions

Data structures and Algorithms: an overview : concept of data structure, choice of right

data structures, types of data structures, basic terminology Algorithms, how to design and

develop an algorithm: stepwise refinement, use of accumulators and counters; algorithm

analysis, complexity of algorithms Big-oh notation.

Arrays : Searching Sorting: Introduction, One Dimensional Arrays, operations defined :

traversal, selection, searching, insertion, deletion, and sorting

Searching: linear search, binary search; Sorting : selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort,

merge sort, quick sort, shell sort. Multidimensional arrays, address calculation of a location

in arrays.

Stacks and queues: Stacks, array representation of stack. Applications of stacks. Queues,

Circular queues, , array representation of Queues,. Deques, priority queues, Applications of


Section-B Pointers and Linked Lists;

Pointers: Pointer variables, Pointer and arrays, array of pointers, pointers and structures,

Dynamic allocation.

Linked Lists: Concept of a linked list,. Circular linked list, doubly linked list, operations on

linked lists. Concepts of header linked lists. Applications of linked lists, linked stacks, linked


Section-C Trees and Graphs

Trees: Introduction to trees, binary trees, representation and traversal of trees, operations on

binary trees, types of binary trees, threaded binary trees, B Trees, . Application of trees.

Graphs : Introduction, terminology, ‘set, linked and matrix’ representation, operations on

graphs, Applications of graphs.

Section-D file Handling and Advanced data Structure

Introduction to file handling, Data and Information, File concepts, File organization, files and

streams, working with files. AVL trees, Sets, list representation of sets, applications of sets,

skip lists
