INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS :System/Plant model, types of models, illustrative examples of plants
and their inputs and outputs, controller servomechanism, regulating system, linear time-invariant (LTI)
system, time-varying system, causal system, open loop control system, closed loop control system,
illustrative examples of open-loop and feedback control systems, continuous time and sampled data control
systems. Effects of feedback on sensitivity (to parameter variations),stability, external disturbance (noise),
overall gain etc. Introductory remarks about non-linear control systems.
MATHEMATICAL MODELLING :Concept of transfer function, relationship between transfer function
and impulse response, order of a system, blockdiagram algebra, signal flow graphs : Mason‟s gain formula
& its application, characteristic equation, derivation of transfer functions of electrical and
electromechanical systems. Transfer functions of cascaded and non-loading cascaded elements.
Introduction to state variable analysis and design.
TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS :Typical test signals, time response of first order systems to various
standard inputs, time response of 2nd order system to step input, relationship between location of roots of
characteristics equation, w and wn, time domain specifications of a general and an under-damped 2nd order
system, steady state error and error constants, dominant closed loop poles, concept of stability, pole zero
configuration and stability, necessary and sufficient conditions for stability Hurwitz stability criterion
Routh stability criterion and relative stability.
Root locus concept, development of root loci for various systems, stability considerations..
:Relationship between frequency response and time-response for 2nd order system, polar, Nyquist, Bode
plots, stability, Gain-margin and Phase Margin, relative stability, frequency response specifications.
Necessity of compensation, compensation networks, application of lag and lead compensation, basic modes
of feedback control, proportional, integral and derivative controllers, illustrative examples. Synchros, AC
and DC techo-generators, servomotors, stepper motors, & their applications, magnetic amplifier