Unit I Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics: Concept of fluid and flow, ideal and real fluids, continuum concept,
properties of fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Pascal’s law, hydrostatic equation,
hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces, stability of floating and submerged bodies, relative
equilibrium. Problems.
Unit II Fluid Kinematics: Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid flow; stream, streak and path lines; types
of flows, flow rate and continuity equation, differential equation of continuity in cylindrical and polar
coordinates, rotation, vorticity and circulation, stream and potential functions, flow net. Problems.
Unit III Fluid Dynamics: Concept of system and control volume, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation,
venturimeter, orifices, orificemeter, mouthpieces, kinetic and momentum correction factors, Impulse
momentum relationship and its applications. Problems.
Unit IV Potential Flow: Uniform and vortex flow, flow past a Rankin half body, source, sink, source-sink pair
and doublet, flow past a cylinder with and without circulation. Problems.
Unit V Viscous Flow: Flow regimes and Reynold’s number, Relationship between shear stress and pressure
gradient, uni-directional flow between stationary and moving parallel plates, movement of piston in a
dashpot, power absorbed in bearings. Problems.
Unit VI Flow Through Pipes: Major and minor losses in pipes, Hagen-Poiseuilli law, hydraulic gradient and
total energy lines, series and parallel connection of pipes, branched pipes; equivalent pipe, power
transmission through pipes. Problems.
Unit VII Boundary Layer Flow: Boundary layer concept, displacement, momentum and energy thickness, vonkarman
momentum integral equation, laminar and turbulent boundary layer flows, drag on a flat plate,
boundary layer separation and control. Streamlined and bluff bodies, lift and drag on a cylinder and an
airfoil, Problems.
Unit VIII Turbulent Flow: Shear stress in turbulent flow, Prandtl mixing length hypothesis, hydraulically smooth
and rough pipes, velocity distribution in pipes, friction coefficients for smooth and rough pipes.