1. Measurements: (3 hrs)
Importance of measurement, basic measuring systems, advantages and limitations of each
measuring systems and display devices
2. Transducers: (6 hrs)
Theory, construction and use of various transducers (resistance, inductance, capacitance,
electromagnetic, piezo electric type)
3. Measurement of Displacement and Strain: (10 hrs)
Displacement Measuring Devices: wire wound potentiometer, LVDT, strain gauges and their
different types such as inductance type, resistive type, wire and foil type etc. Gauge factor,
gauge materials and their selections. Use of electrical strain gauges, strain gauge bridges and
4. Force and Torque Measurement: (10 hrs)
Different types of force measuring devices and their principles, load measurements by using
elastic transducers and electrical strain gauges. Load cells, measurements of torque by brake,
dynamometer, electrical strain gauges, speed measurements; different methods, devices.
5. Pressure Measurement: (5 hrs)
Bourdon pressure gauges, electrical pressure pick ups and their principle, construction and
applications. Use of pressure cells.
6. Flow Measurement: (4 hrs)
Basic principles of magnetic and ultrasonic flow meters
7. Measurement of Temperature: (5 hrs)
Bimetallic thermometer, thermoelectric thermometers, resistance thermometers, thermocouple,
thermisters and pyrometer. Temperature recorders
8. Measurement of other non electrical quantities such as humidity, pH, level and vibrations
(5 hrs)