1. Introduction (14 hrs)
Concept /Meaning and its need
Qualities and functions of entrepreneur and barriers in entrepreneurship
Sole proprietorship and partnership forms of business organisations Schemes of assistance by entrepreneurial support agencies at National,
State, District –level, organisation: NSIC, NRDC, DC, MSME, SIDBI,
NABARD, Commercial Banks, SFC’s TCO, KVIB, DIC, Technology
Business Incubators (TBI) and Science and Technology Entrepreneur Parks
2. Market Survey and Opportunity Identification (10 hrs)
Scanning of the business environment Salient features of National and State industrial policies and resultant
business opportunities Types and conduct of market survey
Assessment of demand and supply in potential areas of growth
Identifying business opportunity
Considerations in product selection
3. Project report Preparation (8 hrs)
Preliminary project report Detailed project report including technical, economic and market feasibility
Common errors in project report preparations Exercises on preparation of project report
4. Introduction to Management (04 hrs)
Definitions and importance of management Functions of management: Importance and process of planning, organising,
staffing, directing and controlling
Principles of management (Henri Fayol, F.W. Taylor) Concept and structure of an organisation
Types of industrial organisations
a) Line organisation
b) Line and staff organisation
c) Functional Organisation
5. Leadership and Motivation (03 hrs)
a) Leadership
Definition and Need
Qualities and functions of a leader Manager Vs leader Types of leadership
b) Motivation
Definitions and characteristics Factors affecting motivation
Theories of motivation (Maslow, Herzberg, Douglas, McGregor)
6. Management Scope in Different Areas (06 hrs)
a) Human Resource Management Introduction and objective Introduction to Man power planning, recruitment and selection
Introduction to performance appraisal methods
b) Material and Store Management Introduction functions, and objectives ABC Analysis and EOQ
c) Marketing and sales Introduction, importance, and its functions Physical distribution
Introduction to promotion mix
Sales promotion
d) Financial Management Introductions, importance and its functions Elementary knowledge of income tax, sales tax, excise duty, custom duty
and VAT
7. Miscellaneous Topics (03 hrs)
a) Customer Relation Management (CRM) Definition and need
Types of CRM
b) Total Quality Management (TQM) Statistical process control Total employees Involvement Just in time (JIT)
c) Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Introductions, definition and its importance Infringement related to patents, copy right, trade mark.