Previous year question paper for AD-1 (B-TECH automobile engineering 5th)

Automotive design-1

Previous year question paper with solutions for Automotive design-1 from 2011 to 2016

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Automotive design-1 from 2011 to 2016. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our AD-1 question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.



At the end the course the student will be able to understand the fundamental principles involved in design of components of automotive chassis, the complete design exercise and arrive at important dimensions of chassis components

Unit I Introduction

Problem identification - problem statement, specifications, constraints, Feasibility study-technical feasibility, economic & financial feasibility, societal & environmental feasibility, Generation of solution field (solution variants), Design Procedure, System Design Cycle, Life cycle costs, selection of fits and tolerances and analysis of dimensional chains, Human factors engineering. Concept of tearing, bearing, shearing, crushing, bending etc, Stress concentration, factor of safety under different loading conditions.

Unit II Selection of Materials

Mechanical properties of the commonly used Engg materials, hardness, and Strength parameters with reference to stress-strain diagram. Introduction to various theories of failure; selection of Engg Materials.

Unit III Mechanical Joints

Bolted joints in tension, eccentrically loaded bolted joints in shear and under combined stresses, Design of Power Screw; Coupling design; Design of various types of welding joints under different static load conditions, eccentrically loaded riveted joints; design of cotter and knuckle joints.

Unit IV Brakes

Self energizing condition of brakes, design of shoe brakes - internal & external expanding, band brakes, and disc brakes, Braking lever design, Thermal considerations in brake designing

Unit V Clutch

Design of single plate clutch, multi plate clutch, design of centrifugal clutch, cone clutch, energy dissipated, torque capacity of clutch, design of clutch components, design details of roller and sprag type of clutches

Unit VI Vehicle Frame

Study of loads, moments, and stresses on frame members. Design considerations for frame of passenger and commercial vehicles, materials for automobile structure.

Unit VII Front Axle and Steering Systems

Analysis of loads, moments and stresses at different sections of front axle, determination of loads at kingpin bearings and wheel spindle bearings, determination of optimum dimensions and proportions for steering linkages ensuring minimum error in steering.

Unit VIII Final Drive and Rear Axle

Detailed design of shafts for static and dynamic loading, Rigidity and deflection consideration, design of propeller shaft, design details of full floating, semi-floating and three quarter floating rear shafts and rear axle housings.  
