1) Introduction, Precipitation: Importance of hydrological data in water resources planning. The
hydrologic cycle. Mechanics of precipitation, types and causes, measurement by rain gauges,
Gauge net-works, hyetograph, averaging depth of precipitation over the basin, mass-rainfall
curves, intensity duration frequency curves, depth area-duration curves.
a) Interception, Evapo-transptration and Infiltration: Factors affecting interception, evaporation
from free water surfaces and from land surfaces, transpiration, Evapo-transpiration.
b) Infiltration Factors affecting infiltration, rate, Infiltration capacity and its determination.
3) Runoff: Factors affecting runoff, run-off hydrograph, unit hydrograph theory, S-curve hydrograph,
Synder’s synthetic unit hydrograph.
4) Peak Flows: Estimation of Peak flow-rational formula, use of unit hydrograph, frequency analysis,
Gumbel’s method, design flood and its hydrograph.
5) Gravity Dams-Non Overflow Section: Forces acting, Stability factors, stresses on the faces of dam,
Design of profile by the method of zoning, elementary profile of a dam.
6) Gravity Dams-Spillways: Creagers profiles neglecting velocity of approach, profile taking velocity
of approach into account, Upstream lip and approach ramp, Advantages of gated spillways,
Discharge characteristics of spillways.
7) Arch and Buttress Dams: Classification of arch dam- constant radius, constant angle and variable
radius , Cylinder theory, Expression relating central angle and Cross-Sectional area of arch. Types
of buttress dams, Advantages of buttress dams.
8) Earth Dams: Components of earth dams and their functions, Phreatic line determination by
analytical and graphical methods.