1. Introduction[10%]
Layering,TCP/IP Layering,Internet Addresses, The Domain Name System,ClientServer
Model, Port Numbers, Implementations and Application, Programming interfaces.
2. The Link Layer Ethernet and IEEE 802 EncapsulationTrailer Encapsulation
SLIP : Serial Line IP, Compressed SLIP, PPP : Point-to-Point Protocol .
3. IP : The Internet Protocol[15%]
IP Header, IP Routing,Subnet Addressing, Subnet Mask, Special Case IP Addresses .
4. Introduction to ARP [10%]
Address Resolution Protocol and RARP : Reverse Address ResolutionProtocol,
ARP Packet Format, Proxy ARP, RARP Packet Format
5. ICMP [15%]
Internet Control Message Protocol Introduction, ICMP, Message Types, ICMP Address,
Mask Request and Reply , IP Routing Routing Principles, Introduction to Dynamic
6. UDP [5%]
User Datagram Protocol UDP Header, UDP Checksum
7. DNS :[5%]
The Domain Name System DNS Basics, DNS Message Format, security .
8. TCP [15%]
Transmission Control Protocol TCP Services, TCP Header TCP Connection
,Establishment and Termination,TCP Timeout and Retransmission, Repacketization
9. Telnet and Rlogin[5%]
Remote Login Rlogin Protocol, SMTP Protocol
10. FTP : File Transfer Protocol and SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol[10%]