nit –I
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics: Introduction; Applications; Concept of fluid; Difference
between solids, liquids and gases; Concept of continuum; Ideal and real fluids; Fluid properties:
density, specific volume, specific weight, specific gravity, viscosity (dynamic and kinematic),
vapour pressure, compressibility, bulk modulus, Mach number, surface tension and capillarity;
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
Unit –II
Fluid Statics: Concept of static fluid pressure; Pascal’s law and its engineering applications;
Hydrostatic paradox; Action of fluid pressure on a plane submerged surface (horizontal, vertical and
inclined): resultant force and centre of pressure; Force on a curved surface due to hydrostatic
pressure; Buoyancy and flotation; Stability of floating and submerged bodies; Metacentric height
and its determination; Periodic time of oscillation; Pressure distribution in a liquid subjected to : (i)
constant acceleration along horizontal, vertical and inclined direction (linear motion), (ii) constant
Unit –III
Fluid Kinematics: Classification of fluid flows; Lagrangian and Euler flow descriptions; Velocity
and acceleration of fluid particle; Local and convective acceleration; Normal and tangential
acceleration; Path line, streak line, streamline and timelines; Flow rate and discharge mean velocity;
One dimensional continuity equation; Continuity equation in Cartesian (x,y,z), polar (r,θ) and
cylindrical (r,θ,z) coordinates; Derivation of continuity equation using the Lagrangian method in
Cartesian coordinates; Rotational flows: rotation, vorticity and circulation; Stream function and
velocity potential function, and relationship between them; Flow net.
Unit –IV
Fluid Dynamics: Derivation of Euler’s equation of motion in Cartesian coordinates, and along a
streamline; Derivation of Bernoulli’s equation (using principle of conservation of energy and
equation of motion) and its applications to steady state ideal and real fluid flows; Representation of
energy changes in fluid system (hydraulic and energy gradient lines); Impulse momentum equation;
Kinetic energy and momentum correction factors; Flow along a curved streamline; Free and forced
vortex motions.
Unit –V
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Need of dimensional analysis; Fundamental and derived
units; Dimensions and dimensional homogeneity; Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s π - method for
dimensional analysis; Dimensionless numbers (Reynolds, Froudes, Euler, Mach, and Weber) and
their significance; Need of similitude; Geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity; Model and
prototype studies; Similarity model laws.
Unit –VI
Internal Flows: Laminar and Turbulent Flows: Reynolds number, critical velocity, critical
Reynolds number, hydraulic diameter, flow regimes; Hagen – Poiseuille equation; Darcy equation;
Head losses in pipes and pipe fittings; Flow through pipes in series and parallel; Concept of
equivalent pipe; Roughness in pipes, Moody’s chart.
Unit –VII
Pressure and Flow Measurement: Manometers; Pitot tubes; Various hydraulic coefficients;
Orifice meters; Venturi meters; Borda mouthpieces; Notches (rectangular, V and Trapezoidal) and
weirs; Rotameters.