Computer aided design and manufacturing
Previous year question paper with solutions for Computer aided design and manufacturing
Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Computer aided design and manufacturing . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our CAD-CAM question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.
These Questions are downloaded from You can also download previous years question papers of 10th and 12th (PSEB & CBSE), B-Tech, Diploma, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, M-Tech, PGDCA, B-Com, BSc-IT, MSC-IT.
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- Define CAD & CAM
- . 'Enlist different standards available for data exchange.
- . Differentiate between B-Rep. & C -Rep
- What do you understand by concatenation?
- Define Harmite Curve.
- Write the syntax for geometry statement & motion statement in APT language
- Enlist the coding system used in Group Technology
- . What is kinematic analysis?
- What are the functions of post - processor in FEM module?
- State the benefits of FMS.
- Differentiate between Translation and Panning.
- Write Euler-Poincare formula used in solid modeling.
- Define Fixed and Floating Zero.
- What is the role of mesh generation in FEM?
- Define “Flexibility” in Flexible Manufacturing System.
- Differentiate between Rotation Transformation and Rotate View
- ) What do you understand by “Distributed NC”?
- What is the difference between Numerical Control and Adaptive Control?
- Illustrate STEP.
- Write parametric equation of Hermite Cubic curve
- define Byte
- define GPU
- define IGES
- define MCU in CNC
- define Adaptive control
- define GKS
- define Ruled Surface
- define Pen Plotter
- define Composite part with reference to Group Technology
- define FMS