1. Fundamentals of CAD;
Design process with and without computer; CAD/CAM system and its evaluation criteria, brief
treatment of input and output devices, Display devices; Functions of a graphics package and
Graphics standard GKS, IGES and STEP; Modeling and viewing; Application areas of CAD.
2. Geometric Transformations:
Mathematics preliminaries, matrix representation of 2 and 3 dimensional transformation:
Concatenation of transformation matrices. Application of geometric transformations.
3. Geometric Modeling:
Wireframe model: solid modeling: Boundary Representation (B-rep), Constructive Solid
Geometry (CSG), Parametric Modeling Technique ; Mass , volumetric properties calculations;
surface modeling, concepts of hidden-line removal and shading: Mechanical Assembly
Kinematics analysis and simulation.
4. Representation of curves and surfaces:
Non-parametric and parametric representation of curves. Parametric representation of Hermite
Cubic, Beizer and B-spline curves; Surface and its analysis. Representation of Analytical and
synthetic surfaces.
5. Overview of FEM, Advantages and applications, recent advance in FEM, FEA software Basic
principles and general procedure of FEM.
6. NC/CNC Machine Tools;
NC machine tools- basic components, coordinate systems; features of NC machine tools.
Computerized Numerical Control (CNC): Tooling for NC machines - tool presetting equipment,
flexible tooling, tool length compensation, tool path graphics; NC motion control system;
Manual part programming, fixed/floating zero. Block format and codes: Computer assisted part
programming. DNC and Adaptive Control: Direct numerical control: Adaptive control in
machining system; Combined DNC/CNC system.
7. Group Technology (GT):
Part families; part classification and coding system: Group technology machine cells:
Advantages of GT.
8. Computer Aided Process Planning:
Introduction and benefits of CAPP. Types of CAPP systems, machinability, data selection
systems in CAPP.
9. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems:
Basic Concepts of CIM: CIM Definition, The meaning of Manufacturing, Types of
Manufacturing systems; Need, Elements, Evolution of CIM; Benefits of CIM; Flexible
Manufacturing Systems: Physical Components of an FMS. Types of Flexibility, Layout
Considerations; FMS benefits