Previous Year Very Short Questions of POM (BBA 1st)

Principles of management

Previous year question paper with solutions for Principles of management

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Principles of management . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our POM question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

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  1. Define the term management
  2. Differentiate between short term and long term planning.
  3. What are the benefits of business forecasting?
  4. Explain the term span of control.
  5. What is the importance of staffing?
  6. What are the benefits of controlling?
  7. State the skills required to be an effective manager.
  8. Differentiate between centralization and decentralization.
  9. Write a note on business process reengineering.
  10. Write a note on total quality management.
  11. Define Management.
  12. Process of Communication.
  13. Explain Management by Objectives
  14. Difference between Selection and Recruitment.
  15. Difference between Formal and Informal Organizations.
  16. What is Social Responsibility?
  17. Types of Departmentation.
  18. What are the objectives of Control?
  19. Downward and Upward Communication.
  20. What is Delegation of Authority?
  21. Systems approach
  22. M.B.O
  23. Decision making
  24. Span of control
  25. Delegation
  26. Staffing
  27. Controlling
  28. Six Sigma
  29. Total Quality Management
  30. Managerial roles