Algorithm and Programming Development: Steps in development of a program, Flow
charts, Algorithm Development, Program Debugging, Compilation and Execution.
Fundamentals of ‘C’: I/O statements, Assignment Statements, Constants, Variables,
Operators and Expressions, Standards and Formatted statements, Keywords, Data
Types and Identifiers. (12)
Control Structures: Introduction, Decision making with if – statement, if-else and
Nested if, while and do-while, for loop. Jump statements: break, continue, goto, switch
Functions: Introduction to Functions, Function Declaration, Function Categories,
Standard Functions, Parameters and Parameter Passing, Call – by value/reference,
Recursion, Global and Local Variables, Storage classes. (12)
Arrays: Introduction to Arrays, Array Declaration, Single and Multidimensional Array,
Memory Representation, Matrices, Strings, String handling functions.
Structure and Union: Declaration of structure, Accessing structure members, Structure
Initialization, Arrays of structure, nested structures, Unions (12)
Pointers: Introduction to Pointers, Address operator and pointers, Declaring and
Initializing pointers, Assignment through pointers, Pointers and Arrays
Files: Introduction, Creating a data file, opening and closing a data file, processing a
data file.
Preprocessor Directives: Introduction and Use, Macros, Conditional Preprocessors,
Header Files