Introduction: CAD/CAM contents and tools; history of CAD/CAM development; CAD/CAM
market trends; Definition of CAD/CAM tools, Industrial look at CAD/CAM. (3 Hours)
CAD/CAM Hardware: Introduction; types of systems; CAD/Cam systems evaluation criteria;
input devices; output devices, hardware integration and networking; hardware trends. (3 Hours)
CAD/CAM Software: Introduction; graphics standards; basic definition and modes of graphic
operations; user interface; software modules, modelling and viewing; software documentation;
software development; efficent use of CAD/CAM Software; Software trends. (5 Hours)
Microprocessor based CAD/CAM: Introduction; several features, system implementation;
hardware components and configuration; micro-based CAD software; file translation; operating
systems, mechanical applications; micro-CAD trends; product distribution trends. (5 Hours)
Mathematical Representation of Curves: Introduction; wire frame models; wire frame,
entities, curves representation, parametric representation of analytical and synthetic curves, curve,
manipulation; design and Engineering applications. (5 Hours)
Mathematical Representation of Surfaces: Introduction, surface models, surface entities,
surface representation, parametric representation of analytic and synthetic surfaces, surface
manipulation. (4 Hours)
Mathematical Representation of Solids: Introduction, solid models, solid entities, solid
representation, fundamentals of solid modelling, half –spaces; boundary representation; constructive
solid geometry sweep representation, solid modelling based applications; design and engineering
applications. (4 Hours)
Geometric Transformations: Introduction; transformation of geometric models, mappings of
geometric models; inverse transmission and mappings; projections of geometric models; design and
Engineering applications. (4 Hours)
Mechanical Assembly and Tolerancing: Introduction; assembly modelling, representative
schemes, generation of assembling sequences; tolerance concepts. (4 Hours)
Part Programming and Manufacturing: NC, CNC and DMC machines, part programming,
manufacturing processes, process planning, tool path generation; design and Engineering
applications. (4 Hours)