Section A
Introduction: Object Oriented Concept overview, features and applications of Java, Differences between
Java and C++, structure of Java Program, understanding class path. Building Blocks: Literals, Tokens,
Keywords, constants, variables & Data types, scope of variables, Operators, Expressions, Flow Control
Arrays, Vectors, Type Conversion, Command Line Arguments, Review of classes and methods, Access
specifiers, constructors, Inheritance, static Classes, Abstract Classes, Final Classes, Wrapper Classes:
Autoboxing and Unboxing, Garbage Collection & Finalize method,
Enumerated types and annotations, Handling String and String Buffer classes, Method Overloading and
Overriding, Nesting of methods and methods with var args.
Section B
Interfaces & Packages: Interfaces and implementing multiple inheritance through interfaces, Packages,
Multithreaded Programming, Synchronization.
Exception Handling: Introduction, Handling System defined Exceptions, Creating and handling user defined
Managing I/O: Introduction to streams, Handling and using various Stream Classes, Random, String
Tokenizer, Scanner classes.
Section C
Applet and Graphic Programming: Introduction to applets, Types of applets, Using Applet Applications,
Passing Parameters to applets,
Introduction to Graphic Programming: Applying 2-D transformations on Objects, Event Handling, Layouts,
Frames, Panels, Menu’s, Popup Menus, Swings, JDBC.
Section D
Advanced Programming: Servlet Programming( Servlet Life Cycle, Generic Servlet, Http Servlet, Http Servlet
Request, Http Servlet Response, service method, do GET method, do POST method, Servlet Exception),
Introduction to JSP, Syntax, Semantics, Declaration and Expressions
Socket Programming: Overview, Difference between TCP and UDP Sockets, Various methods associated with
TCP and UDP.