Introduction to data communication, analog Vs Digital Communication, Fourier Analysis, Band
Width limitation, data rate of a channel, Error detection and correction; nature of errors, parity
check, CRC, hamming code, Modulation; Multiplexing: SDM, FDM, TDM, STDM. (10)
Introduction to computer networks and application; network hardware, network software, OSI
reference model, TCP/IP model, network standardization, physical layer: circuit switching, packet
switching, message switching, terminal handling, telephone system, modems, connections,
transmission media. (10)
Data link layer: design issues, elementary data link protocols-sliding window protocol,
HDLC/SDLC, ALOHA, CSMA/CD, token passing, IEEE standard 802 for LAN and WAN. Network
layer: design issues, Routing algorithms: shortest path routing, flooding, distance vector routing,
flow based routing, Congestion control algorithms: leaky bucket, token bucket, Internet working,
the network layer in the Internet IP protocol, IP address. (10)
Transport layer: design issues, elements of transport protocol, addressing establishing & releasing
a connection, flow control & buffering, TCP/IP service model, TCP connection management. (10)