1. PC Hardware Overview
Block diagram of digital computer. IBM PC family. IBM PC hardware
components. Device controller. Hardware-Software Interaction in PC. Factors
affecting the performance of computer. Importance of electrostatic
discharging (ESD).
2. Keyboard and Mouse (8 hrs)
2.1 Keyboard
Types/categories of keyboards. Keyboard working. Keyboard selection.
Key switch debouncing. Keyboard troubleshooting. Keyboard care and
Preventive Maintenance.
2.2 Mouse
Types/categories of mouse. Mouse Working. Mouse Selection. Mouse
Troubleshooting. Mouse care and Preventive Maintenance.
3. Printers (13 hrs)
Types/categories of printers.
Types of Dot Matrix Printer .Construction and Working of Dot Matrix
Printer, Printer interfaces, DMP cartridges, Troubleshooting Dot Matrix
Printer, Care and Preventive Maintenance of Dot Matrix Printer .
Inkjet Printer
Types of Inkjet printer, Construction and Working of Inkjet Printer, Inkjet
cartridges, Troubleshooting Inkjet Printer, Care and Preventive
Maintenance of Inkjet Printer, Construction and Working of Laser Printer.
Laser Printer
Types of Laser printer, Working of Laser Printer, Laser printer cartridges,
Troubleshooting Laser Printer, Care and Preventive Maintenance of Laser
4. Monitors (5hrs)
Display Adapter, Features of CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, Construction
and working of CRT based display devices, Random Scanning and Raster
Scanning, Beam Penetration and shadow masking methods of producing
colors, Introduction to current CRT and Flat Panel monitors. Introduction to
Graphics Accelerators.
5. Other input/ Output Devices (Brief Introduction) (3hrs)
Scanner. Plotter. Speaker, Microphone, Web Camera, Joy Stuck, Light
Pen, Bar code Reader, MODEM - Internal MODEM, External MODEM, Care
and Preventive Maintenance of Input/Output Devices.
6. Memory Devices (8 hrs )
Definition and need of memory, Memory hierarchy diagram, Bits and Bytes,
Secondary Memory Devices, Types of Hard Disk Drive
Construction and working of HDD, Logical structure of hard disk and its
organization, HDD interfaces, Introduction to Floppy Disk and Floppy Disk
Drive, Introduction to various Optical Disks (CDROM and DVD ) and their
CD/DVD Writer , Introduction to pen drive.
Primary Memory, RAM and ROM categories, Static and Dynamic R/W
Memory, Physical Memory Organization ( RAM Packaging ), Difference
between Single data rate SDRAM and Double data rate , SDRAM
7. Motherboard and Microprocessor ` (6 hrs)
Motherboard: History, IBM Approach, PC Motherboard Functions
Motherboard Components ,Types of expansion slots and buses
Microprocessor: History, Microprocessor as the brain of PC,
Coprocessor/Math processor, Compatibility of microprocessor with
8. Power Supply (4 hrs)
Need/Function of power supply in PC, Types of power supplies – Linear and
SMPS, PC power supply (SMPS) – AT and ATX, Block diagram and
working of SMPS , Output Connectors of SMPS, Upgrading/Replacing
SMPS inside PC’s system box, Troubleshooting SMPS, Care and
Preventive Maintenance of SMPS.
9. Troubleshooting PC (7 hrs)
Preventive Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Repair, Preventive
Maintenance Plan/Schedule, Nature of PC faults, Types of PC faults,
Troubleshooting strategy, Basic diagnostic software and hardware tools,
Different troubleshooting techniques (Functional Area Approach, Split Half
Method, Divergent, convergent and feedback path Method).
10. Assembling the Computer System (2 hrs)
Study of latest configuration of computer system, Introduction and steps for
assembling and disassembling of the Computer system .Precautions for
assembling and disassembling the computer system.
11. Preparation of Computer Centre (2 hrs)
Prepare List of Hardware required for computer centre, Calculation of power
supply requirement for the computer centre, Calculation of A.C. requirement
for the computer laboratory, Calculation of UPS requirement for the
computer laboratory.