1. Introduction To Digital Techniques 10 hrs
Digital circuit., Digital signal, Use of digital circuit and digital signal,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital circuits, Number System - Introduction to
Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number system. Conversion of number
systems, 1’s complement and 2’s complement, Binary arithmetic (addition,
subtraction). BCD code, BCD arithmetic (addition, subtraction).
Introduction to A/D and D/A Converters.
2. Logic Gates And Boolean Algebra 09 hrs
Logical symbol, logical expression and truth table of AND, OR, NOT, NAND,
NOR, EX- OR and EX-NOR gates, Universal gates – NAND and NOR gate,
Logical circuits of basic gates using universal gates, Basic laws of Boolean
algebra, Duality theorem, De Morgan’s theorems.
3. Combinational Logic Design / Circuits 16 hrs
Simplification of Boolean expression using Boolean algebra. Construction of
logical circuits forms Boolean expressions. Boolean expressions using Sum of
products and product of sums forms. K-map representation of logical functions.
Minimization of logical expressions using K-map ( 2, 3, 4 variables).
Standardization of SOP & POS equations. Concept of Adders / Subtractors. Truth
table, K-map, Simplified logical expression and logical circuit using basic gates and
universal gates of:
(a) Half adder and full adder.
(b) Half subtractor and full subtractor.
Block diagram, Truth table, Logical expression and logic diagram of Multiplexers
(4:1 and 8:1), Multiplexer IC. Block diagram and Truth table of Demultiplexer (1:4;
1:8; 1:16), Demultiplexer IC..
Block diagram, Truth table, working principle of Encoders & Decoders
4. Flip Flops And Sequential Logic Design 24 hrs
One-bit memory cell, clock signal, Symbol and Logic diagram using NAND
gates, working and truth table of R S flip- flop. Symbol and Logic diagram using
NAND gates, working, truth table and timing diagram of Clocked R S flip flop.
Triggering: edge triggering and level triggering, Symbol and Logic diagram
using NAND gates, working, truth table and timing diagram of J-K flip flop.Block
diagram and truth table of Master slave J-K flip flop. Symbol, working and truth
table of D- flip flop and T-flip flop. Applications of flip flops, Concept, Modulus,
Working, truth table, timing diagram of a counter. Asynchronous counter (3 bit, 4
bit); Design of mod N-counter: working, truth table and timing diagram, 3-bit
Synchronous counter: working, truth table and timing diagram, Block diagram,
Working, Truth Table and waveforms of Shift register: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO
(4-bit) and Universal Shift register (4-bit). Applications of Counters and Registers.
5. Memories 05 hrs
Classification of memories RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, E2PROM.Circuit
diagram and working of Static and dynamic RAM