1. Introduction:
1.1 Definition of a building, classification of buildings based on occupancy
1.2 Different parts of a building.
2. Foundations: (8 Hrs.)
2.1 Concept of foundation and its purpose
2.2 Types of foundation-shallow and deep
**2.2.1 Shallow foundation - constructional details of: Spread
foundations for walls, thumb rules for depth and width of
foundation and thickness of concrete block,
2.3 Earthwork
2.3.1 Layout/setting out of building foundation
3. Walls: (5 Hrs.)
3.1 Purpose of walls
3.2 Classification of walls - load bearing, non-load bearing, dwarf wall,
retaining, breast walls and partition walls
4.Brick Masonry : (8Hrs.)
4.1 Brick Masonry: Definition of terms like header, stretcher, queen closer,
king closer, frog and quoin, course, bond, facing, backing, hearting,
jambs, reveals, soffit, plinth, pillars and pilasters
4.1.1 Bond – meaning and necessity; English, Flemish bond and other
4.1.2 Construction of brick walls –methods of laying bricks in walls,
precautions observed in the construction of walls, methods of
bonding new brick work with old (toothing, raking, back and block
5 Stone Masonry: (6 Hrs.)
5.1 Glossary of terms – natural bed, bedding planes, string course, corbel,
cornice, block in course grouting, moulding, templates, corner stone,
bond stone, throating, through stone, parapet, coping, pilasters and
5.2 Types of stone masonry: rubble masonry - random and coursed; Ashlar
masonry, principles to be observed in construction of stone masonry
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6 Arches and Lintels: (8 Hrs.)
6.1 Meaning and use of arches and lintels:
6.2 Glossary of terms used in arches and lintels - abutment, pier, arch ring,
intrados, soffit, extrados, voussoiers, springer, springing line, crown, key
stone, skew back, span, rise, depth of an arch, haunch, spandril, jambs,
bearing, thickness of lintel, effective span
6.3 Arches:
6.3.1 Types of Arches - Semi circular, segmental, elliptical and
parabolic, flat, inverted and relieving
6.4 Lintels
6.4.1 Purpose of lintel
6.4.2 Materials used for lintels
6.4.3 Cast-in-situ and pre-cast lintels.
**7. Doors, Windows and Ventilators: (6 Hrs.)
7.1 Glossary of terms with neat sketches
7.2 Classification based on materials i.e. wood, metal and plastic and their
suitability for different situations. Different type of doors- paneled door,
flush door, glazed door, rolling shutter, steel door, sliding door, plastic
and aluminum doors.
7.3 Window – Panel window, glazed windows (fixed and openable),
ventilators, sky light window, Louvres shutters, plastic and aluminum
*8. Damp Proofing and Water Proofing: (4 Hrs.)
8.1 Dampness and its ill effects sources and causes of dampness
8.2 Damp proofing materials and their specifications: rich concrete and
mortar, bitumen, bitumen mastic, polymer coating, use of chemicals
**9. Floors : (6 Hrs.)
9.1 Glossary of terms-floor finish, topping, under layer, base course, rubble
filling and their purpose
9.2 Types of floor finishes - cast-in-situ, concrete flooring (monolithic,
bonded) Terrazzo tile flooring, stone (marble and kota) flooring, PVC
flooring, Terrazzo flooring, glazed tiles flooring, Timber flooring,
description with sketches. The methods of construction of concrete,
terrazzo and timber floors.
10. Roofs : (4 Hrs.)
10.1 Types of roofs, concept of flat, pitched and arched roofs
10.2 Glossary of terms for pitched roofs - batten, eaves, facia board, gable,
hip, lap, purlin, rafter, rag bolt, valley, ridge, rain water gutter, anchoring
11. Stairs: (4Hrs.)
11.1 Glossary of terms: Staircase, winders, landing, stringer, newel,
baluster, riser, tread, width of staircase, hand-rail, nosing
11.2 Classification of staircase on the basis of material – RCC, timber, steel,
11.3 Planning and layout of staircase: Relations between rise and tread,
determination of width of stair, landing etc
11.4 Various types of layout - straight flight, dog legged, open well, quarter
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turn, half turn (newel and geometrical stairs), bifurcated stair, spiral
12. Surface Finishes: (3Hrs.)
12.1 Plastering - classification according to use and finishes like plain
plaster, grit finish, rough cast, pebble dashed, concrete and stone
cladding etc., dubbing, proportion of mortars used for different plasters,
Procedure of plastering
12.2Painting - preparation of surface, primer coat and application of paints
on wooden, steel and plastered wall surfaces(New and old surface)