1. Building Stones: (6Hrs.)
1.1 Classification of Rocks: (General Review)
1.1.1 Geological classification: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
1.1.2 Chemical classification; Calcareous, argillaceous and siliceous
1.1.3 Physical classification: Unstratified , startified and foliated rocks
1.2 General characteristics of stones – Marble, Kota stone, Granite, Sand,
Trap, Basalt stone, Lime stone and Slate
1.3 Requirements of good building stones
1.4 Various uses of stones in construction
2. Bricks: (10Hrs.)
2.1 Introduction to bricks
2.2 Raw materials for brick manufacturing and properties of good brick
making earth,
2.4 Classification and specifications of bricks as per BIS: 1077
3. Cement: (10Hrs.)
3.1 Introduction, raw materials, flow diagram of manufacturing of cement by
wet process
3.2 Various types of Cements, their uses: Ordinary portland cement, rapid
hardening cement, low heat cement, high alumina cement, blast
furnace slag cement, white and coloured cement, Portland pozzolana
cement, super sulphate cement
3.3 Properties of Compounds of cement.
4. Lime: (6Hrs.)
4.1 Introduction: Lime as one of the cementing materials
4.2 Classification and types of lime as per BIS Code
4.3 Calcination and slaking of lime
4.4 Process of setting and hardening action of lime.
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5. Timber and Wood Based Products: 10Hrs.)
5.1 Seasoning of timber: Purpose, methods of seasoning as per BIS Code
5.2 Properties of timber and specifications of structural timber
5.3 Defects in timber, decay in timber
5.4 Preservation of timber and methods of treatment as per BIS
5.5 Other wood based products, their brief description and uses of
laminated board, block board, hard board.
6. Paints and Varnishes: (6Hrs.)
6.1 Introduction, purpose and use of paints
6.2 Types, ingredients, properties and uses of oil paints, water paints and
cement paints
6.3 Covering capacity of various paints
6.4 Types, properties and uses of varnishes