1. Introduction: (4 Hrs.)
1.1 Importance of soil studies in Civil Engineering
1.2 Geological origin of soils with special reference to soil profiles in India:
residual and transported soil, alluvial deposits, lake deposits, local soil
found in H.P., dunes and loess, glacial de above deposits are formed and their engineering characteristics.
2. Physical Properties of Soils: (4 Hrs.)
2.1 Constituents of soil and representation by a phase diagram
2.2 Definitions of void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, water content,
specific gravity, unit weight, dry unit weight of soil grains and correlation
between them
2.3 Simple numerical problems with the help of phase diagrams.
3. Classification and Identification of Soils: (6 Hrs.)
3.1 Particle size, shape and their effect on engineering properties of soil,
particle size classification of soils
3.2 Gradation and its influence on engineering properties
3.3 Relative density and its use in describing cohesion less soils
Atterberg’s limit - definitions, use and practical significance
3.5 Field identification tests for soils
3.6 Soil classification system as per BIS 1498; basis, symbols, major
divisions and sub divisions, groups, plasticity chart; procedure for
classification of a given soil.
4. Flow of Water Through Soils: (4 Hrs.)
4.1 Concept of permeability and its importance
4.2 Darcy's law, coefficient of permeability, seepage velocity and factors
affecting permeability
4.3 Comparison of permeability of different soils as per BIS
4.4 Methods of finding out permeability- Constant Head & Falling Head Test
(No Derivation only simple numerical problems)
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5. Effective Stress: (Concept only): (4 Hrs.)
5.1 Stresses in subsoil
5.2 Definition and meaning of total stress, effective stress and neutral stress
5.3 Principle of effective stress
5.4 Importance of effective stress in engineering problems
5.5 Quick sand Phenomenon
6. Deformation of Soils: (10 Hrs.)
6.1 Meaning, conditions/situations of occurrence with emphasis on practical
significance of:
a) Consolidation and settlement
b) Creep
c) Plastic flow
d) Heaving
e) Lateral movement
f) Freeze and thaw of soil
6.2 Definition and practical significance of compression index, coefficient of
consolidation, degree of consolidation.(Numerical based on above)
6.3 Meaning of total settlement, uniform settlement and differential
settlement; rate of settlement and their effects
6.4 Settlement due to construction operations and lowering of water table.
6.5 Tolerable settlement for different structures as per BIS
7. Strength Characteristics of Soils: (10 Hrs.)
7.1 Factors contributing to shear strength of soils, Coulomb's law
7.2 Determination of shearing strength by direct shear test, unconfined
compression test and Tri-axial Test only along with their advantages &
7.3 Drainage conditions of test and their significance
7.4 Stress and strain curve, peak strength and ultimate strength, their
7.5 Examples of shear failure in soils
8. Compaction: (6 Hrs.)
8.1 Definition and necessity of compaction and its differences with
8.2 Laboratory compaction test (standard and modified proctor test as per
IS) definition and importance of optimum water content, maximum dry
density; moisture & dry density relationship for typical soils with different
compactive efforts
8.3 Compaction control; Density control, measurement of field density by
core cutter method and sand replacement method, moisture control,
Proctor's needle and its use, thickness control, jobs of an embankment
supervisor in relation to compaction.
9. Soil Exploration: (6 Hrs.)
9.1 Purpose and necessity of soil exploration
9.2 Reconnaissance, methods of soil exploration, Trial pits, borings
(auger, wash, rotary, percussion to be briefly dealt)
9.3 Sampling; undisturbed, disturbed and representative samples; selection
of type of sample; thin wall and piston samples; area ratio, recovery ratio
of samples and their significance, number and quantity of samples,
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setting, sealing and preservation of samples.
10. Bearing Capacity of soil: (10 Hrs.)
10.1 Concept of bearing capacity
10.2 Definition and significance of ultimate bearing capacity, net safe
bearing capacity and allowable bearing pressure
10.3 Guidelines of BIS (IS 6403) for estimation of bearing capacity
10.4 Factors affecting bearing capacity, Concept of vertical stress
distribution in soils due to foundation loads, pressure bulb
10.6 Plate load test and its limitations
10.7 Applications of SPT