1. Contouring: (6 Hrs.)
Concept of contours, purpose of contouring, contour interval and horizontal
equivalent, factors effecting contour interval, characteristics of contours,
methods of contouring: Direct and indirect, interpolation of contours; use of
contour map, Drawing cross section from a contour map; alignment of a
road on contour map, computation of earth work and reservoir capacity from
a contour map.
2. Theodolite Surveying: (14 Hrs.)
Working of a transit vernier theodolite, axes of a theodolite and their relation;
temporary adjustments of a transit theodolite; concept of transiting,
swinging, face left, face right and changing face; measurement of horizontal
and vertical angles. Prolonging a line (forward and backward) measurement
of bearing of a line; traversing by included angles and deflection angle
method; plotting a traverse; concept of coordinate and solution of omitted
measurements (one side affected), errors in theodolite survey.
Height of objects – accessible and non-accessible bases
3. Tacheometric surveying: (10 Hrs.)
Tacheometry, Instruments to be used in tacheometry, methods of
tacheometry, stadia system of tachometry, general principles of stadia
tachometry, examples of stadia tachometry and Numerical problems.
4. Curves: (14 Hrs.)
4.1 Simple Circular Curve:
* Need and definition of a simple circular curve; Elements of simple
circular curve - Degree of the curve, radius of the curve, tangent
length, point of intersection (Apex point), tangent point, length
Setting out of simple circular curve (No derivations, only brief description):
a) By linear measurements only:
- Offsets from the tangent
- Successive bisection of arcs
- Offsets from the chord produced
b) By tangential angles using a theodolite (with numerical problems)
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4.2 Transition Curve:
Need (centrifugal force and super elevation) and definition of transition
curve; requirements of transition curve; length of transition curve for roads;
by cubic parabola; calculation of offsets for a transition curve;
4.3 Vertical curve brief description only
5. Computation of Areas: (4 Hrs)
By Graphical & Instrumental Methods
Areas by use of Field Notes