1. Metallurgy (10 hrs)
1.1 General metallurgical terms/operations
1.2 Extraction of pure iron, copper and aluminum from their chief ores
1.3 Manufacture of wrought iron form pig iron, manufacture of steel by
open hearth process and L.D. process
1.4 Alloys: Types of alloys (ferrous and non ferrous) purposes of
alloying, composition, properties and uses of – invar steel,
nichrome, brass, bronze, gun metal, duralumin, alnico, magnalium
2. Corrosion. (06 hrs)
2.1 Definition and electro chemical theory of corrosion, passivity of
metals (e.g. Ti, Cr, Fe and Al), Galvanic Series.
2.2 Preventions and control measures: (i) Internal measures
(purification of metals, alloying with corrosion resistant elements,
heat treatment) (ii) External measures (application of inhibitors,
alteration of corrosion environments, protective coatings – (a)
Metallic (b) Non-metallic coating and sacrificial anode)
3. Fuels. (12 hrs)
3.1 Introduction, combustion, classification of fuels, characteristics of
good fuel
3.2 Calorific value, determination of calorific value by Bomb calorimeter,
and Dulong’s formula (equation to be assumed, numerical
3.3 Proximate and Ultimate analysis of coal
3.4 Fuel rating: Octane number, cetane number, influence of chemical
composition and structure on fuel rating
3.5 Gaseous fuels : Natural gas, LPG, CNG, Hydrogen, Composition,
manufacture and uses of water gas, producer gas, biogas,
3.6 Merits and demerits of gaseous fuels over solid and liquid fuels
3.7 Numerical problems on 3.2.
4. Lubricants. (04hrs)
4.1 Definition and classification of lubricants
4.2 Mechanism of lubrication
4.3 Characteristics of good lubricants
4.4 Properties of lubricants: such as oiliness, emulsification, flash and
fire point, volatility, viscosity and viscosity index, cloud and pour
point, acidity value, sponificaiton value, coke number.
5. Paints and Varnishes. (04hrs)
5.1 Constituent of paints, characteristics of good paint
5.2 Constituent and characteristics of varnishes
5.3 Constituent of enamels
5.4 Uses of paints varnishes and enamels
6. Refractories (04 hrs)
6.1 Introduction and characteristics of good refractory materials
6.2 Types and chemical composition of acidic, basic and neutral
6.3 Applications of refractories
7. Polymers, Plastics and Adhesives. (08 hrs)
7.1 Polymerization, degree of polymerization (DP). Addition and
condensation polymers with suitable examples
7.2 Definition, structure and applications of thermoplastics and
thermosetting plastics with examples of each type
7.3 Plasticizer, fillers and binders
7.4 Definition and examples of fibers and elastomers (natural and
synthetic rubber)
7.5 Synthetic resins (both thermosetting and thermoplastic)