1. Detail and Assembly Drawing (01 sheet)
1.1 Principle and utility of detail and assembly drawings
1.2 Practical exercise on drawing from detail to assembly or vice versa
using wooden joints as example
2. Threads (01 sheet)
2.1 Nomenclature of threads, types of threads (metric). Single and
multiple start threads
2.2 Forms of various external thread sections such as V, Square,
Acme, Knuckle, Metric, Seller and Buttress thread
2.3 Simplified conventions of left hand and right hand threads, both
external and internal threads
3. Nuts and Bolts (01 sheet)
3.1 Different views of hexagonal and square headed bolts and nuts
3.2 Application of nuts and bolts with washers
4. (4.1) Locking Devices (02 sheet)
4.1.1 Lock nuts, Castle nuts, Sawn nuts, Split pin lock nut
4.1.2 Spring washers, Locking plates.
(4.2) Screws, Studs and Washers (01 sheet)
4.2.1 Drawing various types of machine screws
4.4.2 Drawing various types of studs
4.4.3 Drawing various types of washers
Section III
5. Keys and Cotters (02 sheets)
Various types of keys and their application. Preparation of drawings of
various keys and cotters
5.1 Various types of joints
- Sleeve and Cotter joint
- Kunckle joint
- Spigot and Socket joint
6. Coupling (02 sheets)
6.1 Flange coupling (protected and unprotected coupling)
6.2 Pin type flexible coupling
6.3 Muff coupling
Section IV
7. Rivets and Rivetted Joints (02 sheets)
7.1 Types of general purpose rivet heads
7.2 Types of rivetted joints - lap, butt (single cover plate and double
cover plate), chain and zig-zag riveting.
7.3 Caulking and fullering of rivetted joints.
8. Development of surfaces, cube, prism and funnel (01 sheet)
9. Intersection of surfaces, cylinder to cylinder, cylinder to cone and prism.
(01 sheet)