1. Networks (20 hrs)
1.1 Two port (four terminals) network: Basic concepts of the following terms:-
Symmetrical and asymmetrical networks: Balanced and unbalanced network;
T-network, π network, Ladder network; Lattice network; L-network and Bridge
1.2 Symmetrical Network:- Concept and significance of the terms characteristic
impedance, propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase shift constant
and insertion loss; - T-network; π Network
1.3 Asymmetrical Network- Concept and significance of iterative impedance, image
Impedance, Image transfer constant and insertion loss.
2. Attenuators (08 hrs)
2.1 Units of attenuation (Decibels and Nepers): General characteristics of
2.2 Analysis and design of simple attenuator of following types; Symmetrical T and
π type.
3. Filters (20 hrs)
3.1 Brief idea of the use of filter networks in different communication systems,
Concept of low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop filters.
3.2 Analysis of prototype Low and High pass(Tand π) filter .
3.3 -Impedance characteristics v/s frequency characteristics of a low and high pass
filter and their significance.
3.4 -Attenuation vs frequency; Phase shift vs frequency, Characteristics impedance
vs frequency of T and π Low and High pass filters and their significance.
3.5 -Simple design problems of prototype low & high pass section.
3.6 Limitation of prototype filters, need of m-derived filters. Brief idea of m- derived
Low and High filter (Tand π) section.
3.7 Crystal Filters; Crystal and its equivalent circuit. Special properties of
piezoelectric filters and their use.
3.8 Active Filters; Basic concept of active filters and their comparison with passive
filters. Basic idea of Butterworth filter.
4. Transmission Lines (16 hrs)
4.1 Transmission Lines, their types and applications.
4.2 Distributed constants, T and π representation of transmission line section.
4.3 Definition of characteristic impedance, propagation constant, attenuation
constant and phase shift constant.
4.4 Concept of infinite line.
4.5 Condition for minimum distortion and minimum attenuation of signal on the- line
and introduction to loading methods.
4.6 Concept of reflection and standing waves, definition of reflection coefficient,
SWR & VSWR and their relation (no derivation).
4.7 Concept of transmission lines at high frequencies.
4.8 Introduction to stubs. (Single, open and short stubs).